Closed An-dir closed 10 months ago
Tested again with current beta without any luck. Will that be fixed in next release?
Tested again with PingCastle Beta1.1 (2024-01-25): Still unchanged... "LAPS","LAPSNew" are always false and "LAPS last update (legacy LAPS)", "LAPS last update (Ms LAPS)" are always empty. Pingcastle was started elevated
Testing Environment has a lot of legacy LAPS clients but no Windows LAPS clients.
fixed in the next version thanks for the report
the "Export all computers" export hat the following LAPS relevant columns that seem always false/empty, atleast for LegacyLAPS, as this is what I can test for now:
- always "false"LAPSNew
- always "false"LAPS last update (legacy LAPS)
- always emptyLAPS last update (Ms LAPS)
- always emptyAdditionall the naming is misleading. I guess you meant "Windows LAPS" instead of "Ms LAPS". The old LAPS is now called "Legacy LAPS", "Microsoft LAPS" or "legacy Micrsoft LAPS" The new LAPS is called "Windows LAPS" or "LAPS" If you'd prefer creating a short name "MS-LAPS" and "WIN-LAPS" should do it, as "LAPSNew" won't always be new. More to read:
The scanner "laps_bitlocker" returns laps data correctly for MS LAPS as that is what I was testing currently.