netzke / netzke-core

Framework for Sencha Ext JS + Ruby on Rails client-server components
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Dynamic component loading broken #46

Closed scho closed 11 years ago

scho commented 11 years ago

Hei Denis,

I've started to migrate an existing netzke app from 0.7.7 to the latest master, but I can't get it to work. Dynamic component loading always fails. I use Netzke::Basepack::SimpleApp, which has another component, that should be loaded.

I get the following error:

V8::JSError (Cannot call method 'ns' of null):
  at <eval>:2:5
  /home/meyer/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194-perf@blackbeard/bundler/gems/netzke-core-d02cb9f3aa2e/lib/netzke/composition.rb:86:in `block (2 levels) in <module:Composition>'

So the serverside JS evaluation complains when executing this piece of code:


So it seems to me, as the server can't properly load ExtJS, right?

If you need more information, let me know.

Thanks for looking into this.

cheers, Georg

mxgrn commented 11 years ago

I don't yet understand why this would happen. Does SomeSimpleApp in the test app work for you?

scho commented 11 years ago

SomeSimpleApp works. So I'll try to figure out, what goes wrong in my app.

scho commented 11 years ago

I found out, why it fails. It's the therubyracer gem. I removed it in favour of the nodejs package and now it works.