netzke / netzke-core

Framework for Sencha Ext JS + Ruby on Rails client-server components
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Dependent model saving #63

Closed ebinjo13 closed 11 years ago

ebinjo13 commented 11 years ago

Two classes were created

class Supplier < ActiveRecord::Base  

  has_one :account, foreign_key: "acc_sup_id", :autosave => true  

  self.primary_key = 'sup_id'  

  attr_accessible :name, :remark


class Account < ActiveRecord::Base 

  belongs_to :supplier, foreign_key: "acc_sup_id"  

  self.primary_key = 'acc_id'  

  self.table_name = 'accounts'  

  attr_accessible :dep, :rev


and netzke form is given as

class SupplierForm < Netzke::Basepack::Form

    def configure(c)

    c.model = 'Supplier'


    c.items = [

      {field_label: "Name", name: :name},

      {field_label: "Remark", name: :remark},

      {field_label: "Dep", name: :account__dep, xtype: :checkbox, nested_attribute: true},

      {field_label: "Rev", name: :account__rev, xtype: :checkbox, nested_attribute: true}      



Here I am getting two issues while saving

1) while inserting only name and remark is saved but not the nested attributes. 2) If the nested attribute fields set to checked the value is updated to DB but if unchecked update is not working

mxgrn commented 11 years ago

This does not belong in issues, and less so in Core. I'd recommend using the mailing list for this kind of questions.