netzmacht / contao-leaflet-maps

Leaflet maps extension for Contao CMS
12 stars 8 forks source link

Bug JavascriptBuilder #115

Closed zonky2 closed 1 year ago

zonky2 commented 2 years ago

PHP 7.3 Contao 4.4.55 Maps 3.2.3

Type error: Argument 1 passed to Netzmacht\JavascriptBuilder\Symfony\EventDispatchingEncoder::__construct() must be an instance of Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface, instance of Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher given, called in /kunden/ on line 58

  at vendor/netzmacht/php-javascript-builder/src/Symfony/EventDispatchingEncoder.php:40
  at Netzmacht\JavascriptBuilder\Symfony\EventDispatchingEncoder->__construct(object(EventDispatcher))
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Leaflet\Encoder\EncoderFactory->__invoke(object(Output))
  at Netzmacht\JavascriptBuilder\Builder->encode(object(Map), 16448)
  at Netzmacht\LeafletPHP\Leaflet->build(object(Map), object(ContaoAssets))
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Leaflet\MapProvider->doGenerate(object(MapModel), null, 'map_ce_361', 'leaflet_map_js', '')
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Leaflet\MapProvider->generate('1', null, 'map_ce_361', 'leaflet_map_js')
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Leaflet\Frontend\AbstractMapHybrid->prepareTemplateData(array('id' => '361', 'pid' => '7', 'ptable' => 'tl_article', 'sorting' => '640', 'tstamp' => '1657806882', 'type' => 'leaflet', 'headline' => '', 'text' => null, 'addImage' => '', 'overwriteMeta' => '', 'singleSRC' => null, 'alt' => '', 'imageTitle' => '', 'size' => '', 'imagemargin' => '', 'imageUrl' => '', 'fullsize' => '', 'caption' => '', 'floating' => 'above', 'html' => null, 'listtype' => '', 'listitems' => null, 'tableitems' => null, 'summary' => '', 'thead' => '', 'tfoot' => '', 'tleft' => '', 'sortable' => '', 'sortIndex' => '0', 'sortOrder' => 'ascending', 'mooHeadline' => '', 'mooStyle' => '', 'mooClasses' => '', 'highlight' => '', 'code' => null, 'url' => '', 'target' => '', 'titleText' => '', 'linkTitle' => '', 'embed' => '', 'rel' => '', 'useImage' => '', 'multiSRC' => null, 'orderSRC' => null, 'useHomeDir' => '', 'perRow' => '4', 'perPage' => '0', 'numberOfItems' => '0', 'sortBy' => '', 'metaIgnore' => '', 'galleryTpl' => '', 'customTpl' => '', 'playerSRC' => null, 'youtube' => '', 'vimeo' => '', 'posterSRC' => null, 'playerSize' => '', 'autoplay' => '', 'sliderDelay' => '0', 'sliderSpeed' => '300', 'sliderStartSlide' => '0', 'sliderContinuous' => '', 'cteAlias' => '0', 'articleAlias' => '0', 'article' => '0', 'form' => '0', 'module' => '0', 'protected' => '', 'groups' => null, 'guests' => '', 'cssID' => '', 'invisible' => '', 'start' => '', 'stop' => '', 'bs_grid_name' => '', 'bs_tab_nav_class' => '', 'bs_tab_content_class' => '', 'bs_tab_fade' => '', 'bs_tab_nav_position' => '', 'bs_tabs' => null, 'bs_tab_name' => '', 'bs_tab_parent' => '0', 'bs_panel_name' => '', 'bs_expanded' => '0', 'bs_image_sizes' => null, 'bs_grid_parent' => '0', 'bs_grid' => '0', 'bootstrap_dataAttributes' => null, 'formLayout' => '0', 'rsce_data' => null, 'leaflet_template' => 'leaflet_map_js', 'leaflet_height' => 'a:2:{s:4:"unit";s:2:"px";s:5:"value";s:3:"300";}', 'leaflet_width' => 'a:2:{s:4:"unit";s:1:"%";s:5:"value";s:3:"100";}', 'leaflet_mapId' => '', 'leaflet_map' => '1', 'wowjsIteration' => null, 'wowjsOffset' => null, 'wowjsDelay' => '', 'wowjsDuration' => '', 'wowjsAnimation' => '', 'owl_slide_template' => '', 'owl_carousel' => '0', 'playerAspect' => '', 'classes' => array('last'), 'typePrefix' => 'ce_', 'hl' => 'h1', 'style' => '', 'class' => 'ce_leaflet col-md-12 last', 'inColumn' => 'main'))
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Toolkit\Component\AbstractComponent->generate()
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Toolkit\Component\Module\AbstractModule->generate()
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Toolkit\Component\Hybrid\AbstractHybrid->generate()
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Leaflet\Frontend\AbstractMapHybrid->generate()
  at Netzmacht\Contao\Toolkit\Component\ContentElement\ContentElementDecorator->generate()
  at Contao\Controller::getContentElement(object(ContentModel), 'main')
  at Contao\ModuleArticle->compile()
  at Contao\Module->generate()
  at Contao\ModuleArticle->generate(false)
  at Contao\Controller::getArticle(object(ArticleModel), false, false, 'main')
  at Contao\Controller::getFrontendModule('0', 'main')
  at Contao\PageRegular->prepare(object(PageModel))
  at Contao\PageRegular->getResponse(object(PageModel), true)
  at Contao\FrontendIndex->renderPage(object(Collection))
  at Contao\FrontendIndex->run()
  at Contao\CoreBundle\Controller\FrontendController->indexAction()
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, true)
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Request))
igi-1w3r53n commented 1 year ago

Same here:

PHP 7.4.30 Contao 4.4.57 Maps 3.2.2

The error is thrown if a user visits a site where the leaflet module is included.

Webstylerin commented 1 year ago

Same here:

PHP Version 7.4.10 Contao 4.4.57 Maps 3.2.2 (and 3.2.1, 3.2.0 and 3.1.7)

Frontend works with Contao 4.4.54 and PHP Version 8.1.14-he.0 (Hosteurope, hence the move).

Will an update to Contao 4.13 and Maps 3.2.3 fix the issue?

zonky2 commented 1 year ago

@Webstylerin der PR sollte das beheben..

Webstylerin commented 1 year ago

@Webstylerin der PR sollte das beheben.. #118

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, mit dem PR selbst kann ich selbst leider nichts wirklich was anfangen. Ich hoffe, der PR passt und wird bald eingespielt.

zonky2 commented 1 year ago



sollte mit

dev-hoftix/metamodels as 2.3.3 gehen

dmolineus commented 1 year ago

Contao 4.4 is not supported anymore by this extension.