openv0 is a cool new vercel alternative with support for multiple frameworks (next, react, svelte, ...) and component libraries (flowbite, nextui, shadcn-ui, ...). Netzo uses shadcn-ui under for all its components and developers would greatly benefit by having a v0-like module where they can iterate on components using prompts. This module is for developers only (not e.g. admins) therefore it should live under Project > Development > Components and it should allow adding new components and iterating on them, and then going back to previous components and copy-pasting them into the actual code (which now resides locally entirely).
is a cool new vercel alternative with support for multiple frameworks (next, react, svelte, ...) and component libraries (flowbite, nextui, shadcn-ui, ...). Netzo uses shadcn-ui under for all its components and developers would greatly benefit by having a v0-like module where they can iterate on components using prompts. This module is for developers only (not e.g. admins) therefore it should live underProject > Development > Components
and it should allow adding new components and iterating on them, and then going back to previous components and copy-pasting them into the actual code (which now resides locally entirely).See video demo
Here is a simple explanation: