neu-rah / ArduinoMenu

Arduino generic menu/interactivity system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Change Font Size? #283

Open timmcarson opened 4 years ago

timmcarson commented 4 years ago

I have successfully compiled and ran the esp32 clickEncodertft example. I know want to change the font size. changing fontW and fontH changes the size of the display lines but the not font size itself. How do I change the font type and the font size?


smplman commented 4 years ago

@timmcarson take a look here and see how I was able to do it

mikejr83 commented 5 months ago

@timmcarson were you able to solve this? I'm attempting to do the same on an OLED using the Adafruit GFX out output. Trying the sam ething as @smplman didn't get me anywhere.

#define FONT_SCALE 2
             ADAGFX_OUT(oled, colors, FONT_SCALE * 6, FONT_SCALE * 9, {0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / FONT_SCALE * 6, SCREEN_HEIGHT / FONT_SCALE * 9}),

This essentially just changes the line size but not the font size. It appears to be what @smplman is doing.