neu-rah / ArduinoMenu

Arduino generic menu/interactivity system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
951 stars 191 forks source link

targetSel for LCD I2C + Rotary Encoder+Arduino Uno #296

Closed kapete23 closed 4 years ago

kapete23 commented 4 years ago

Hello Sir

There is an error in navigation if you use a rotary encoder, can not set textfield. please try the following code

Arduino generic menu system

Rui Azevedo - ruihfazevedo(@rrob@)

output: Serial
input: Serial

user defined array menu (userMenu plugin)

#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>//F. Malpartida LCD's driver
#include <menu.h>//menu macros and objects
#include <menuIO/lcdOut.h>//malpartidas lcd menu output
#include <menuIO/serialIn.h>//Serial input
#include <menuIO/encoderIn.h>//quadrature encoder driver and fake stream
#include <menuIO/keyIn.h>//keyboard driver and fake stream (for the encoder button)
#include <menuIO/chainStream.h>
#include <plugin/userMenu.h>

using namespace Menu;


LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE); 

//some values for user data record
enum SelTest {Zero=0,One,Two};
enum ChooseTest {First=1,Second=2,Third=3,Last=-1};
constexpr int dataSz=5;
constexpr int nameSz=10;

//some user data record type to be edited by the menu
struct Data {
  char name[nameSz+1]="<name>     ";
  bool valid=0;
  SelTest selTest=Zero;
  ChooseTest chooseTest=First;
  //how to copy this data, being a simple data c++ will generate this for you
  Data& operator=(Data& o){
  return o;

//THE DATA <-----------------------------------------
Data myTargets[dataSz];//our data

//a temporary to be edited
//the data type must have assignment operator
//because we will later on move data back and forth between the actual data and this temporary
//menu edit is wired to this temp. and menu events will deal with the copy-call (from/to)
Data target;

//characters allowed on name field
char* constMEM alphaNum MEMMODE=" 0123456789.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,\\|!\"#$%&/()=?~*^+-{}[]€";
char* constMEM alphaNumMask[] MEMMODE={alphaNum};

//some enumeration of values allowed on some fields
TOGGLE(target.valid,editValid,"Valid: ",doNothing,noEvent,noStyle//,doExit,enterEvent,noStyle



//a function to save the edited data record
result saveTarget(eventMask e,navNode& nav) {
  idx_t n=nav.root->path[nav.root->level-1].sel;//get selection of previous level
  return quit;

//if you want to print the data record name as the title,
//then you MUST create a customized print menu to replace this default one
MENU(targetEdit,"Target edit",doNothing,noEvent,wrapStyle

//handling the user menu selection
//this will copy the selected recotd into the temp var
result targetEvent(eventMask e,navNode& nav) {
  _trace(MENU_DEBUG_OUT<<"copy data to temp.\n");
  //you can store nav.sel for future reference
  return proceed;

//the customized print of records
//menu system wil use this to print the list of all records
struct TargetMenu:UserMenu{
  using UserMenu::UserMenu;

  // override sz() function to have variable/custom size
  // inline idx_t sz() const override {return 0;}

  //customizing the print of user menu item (len is the availabe space)
  Used printItem(menuOut& out, int idx,int len) override {
    //just printing the string name to the menu output device
    //as an item representative
    return len?out.printText(myTargets[idx].name,len):0;

//build the user menu object, optionally giving a sub menu
  //for non-AVR devices or when MENU_USERAM is defined at compiler level
  TargetMenu targetsMenu("Targets",dataSz,targetEdit,targetEvent,enterEvent);
  //menu allocation compatible with AVR flash ---------------------------------
  constMEM char targetsMenuTitle[] MEMMODE="Targets";
  constMEM menuNodeShadowRaw targetsMenuInfoRaw MEMMODE={
  constMEM menuNodeShadow& targetsMenuInfo=*(menuNodeShadow*)&targetsMenuInfoRaw;
  TargetMenu targetsMenu(targetsMenuInfo,targetEdit);

MENU(mainMenu,"Main menu",doNothing,noEvent,wrapStyle
  ,OBJ(targetsMenu)//attach the array edit menu on a macri build nenu

// menu IO and root navigation control

// Encoder /////////////////////////////////////
  #define encA 2
  #define encB 3
  //this encoder has a button here
  #define encBtn 4

  encoderIn<encA,encB> encoder;//simple quad encoder driver
  #define ENC_SENSIVITY 4
  encoderInStream<encA,encB> encStream(encoder,ENC_SENSIVITY);// simple quad encoder fake Stream

  //a keyboard with only one key as the encoder button
  keyMap encBtn_map[]={{-encBtn,defaultNavCodes[enterCmd].ch}};//negative pin numbers use internal pull-up, this is on when low
  keyIn<1> encButton(encBtn_map);//1 is the number of keys

  serialIn serial(Serial);

  //input from the encoder + encoder button + serial
  menuIn* inputsList[]={&encStream,&encButton,&serial};
  chainStream<3> in(inputsList);

  #define MAX_DEPTH 2

  ,NONE//must have 2 items at least


//function for menu idle/timemout
result idle(menuOut &o, idleEvent e) {
  switch(e) {
    case idleStart:o.print("suspending menu!");break;
    case idling:o.print("suspended...");break;
    case idleEnd:o.print("resuming menu.");
  return proceed;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("menu 4.x test =================");Serial.flush();
  nav.idleTask=idle;//point a function to be used when menu is suspended
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Menu 4.x LCD");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

void loop() {
  delay(100);//simulate a delay when other tasks are done

and this is the result of the implementation picture in the serial.


in LCD I2C + Rotary encoder 20200515_161526

somethink is wrong on navigation, if you use a rotary encoder, can not set textfield.


kapete23 commented 4 years ago

@neu-rah Hello Sir

if i use a rotary encoder, can't set textField. Do you know how I can fix it?


neu-rah commented 4 years ago


kapete23 commented 4 years ago

yes, because i change max_depth = 4