neu-rah / ArduinoMenu

Arduino generic menu/interactivity system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Support for Adafruit SH1107 128x64 OLED #358

Open AporkQpine opened 2 years ago

AporkQpine commented 2 years ago

Hello @neu-rah,

I am having trouble with interfacing your library to the Adafruit SH1107 128x64 OLED.

The menu system and scrolling through the options work but somehow it is not rendered properly on the screen. 20210713_115817

The code was just one from the example codes listed for SSD1306 ButtonNavigation.

Could @neu-rah or someone help me with properly interfacing it with SH1107?



This Sketch displays Menu without any Serial Communication and the navigation is performed by 4 buttons attached to D3, D8, D4 and D1. Also, attach led on D11 to control brightness from menu. Default brightness is 15% (check line 78)

NOTE: By default, navigation buttons use INTERNAL_PULLUP feature. This can be changed by commenting the line 45 in "config.h" file

Uses SSD1306Ascii Library( by Bill Grieman

Created by Tamojit Saha Github: Website: ***/



// #include

include "SSD1306Ascii.h"

include "SSD1306AsciiWire.h"


include <menuIO/SSD1306AsciiOut.h>

include <menuIO/keyIn.h>

//#include <menuIO/chainStream.h> using namespace Menu;

SSD1306AsciiWire oled;

include "config.h"

int ledCtrl = HIGH; //Default LED State of LED at D11 is LOW

result doAlert(eventMask e, prompt &item);

result showEvent(eventMask e, navNode& nav, prompt& item) {

return proceed; }

result action1(eventMask e) {

return proceed; }

result action2(eventMask e, navNode& nav, prompt &item) { //Serial.print(e); //Serial.println(" action2 executed, quiting menu"); return quit; }

result ledOn() { ledCtrl = HIGH; analogWrite(LED_PIN, 255); return proceed; } result ledOff() { ledCtrl = LOW; analogWrite(LED_PIN, 0); return proceed; }

result internalLedOn() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); return proceed; } result internalLedOff() { analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); return proceed; }

int brightnessValue = 15; //Default LED brightness value result adjustBrightness() { if (ledCtrl == HIGH) { int pwm = int(2.55 * float(brightnessValue)); analogWrite(LED_PIN, pwm); } return proceed; }

TOGGLE(ledCtrl, setLed, "Led: ", doNothing, noEvent, noStyle //,doExit,enterEvent,noStyle , VALUE("On", HIGH, ledOn, enterEvent)//ledOn function is called , VALUE("Off", LOW, ledOff, enterEvent)//ledOff function is called );

int selTest = 0; SELECT(selTest, selMenu, "Select", doNothing, noEvent, noStyle , VALUE("Zero", 0, doNothing, noEvent) , VALUE("One", 1, doNothing, noEvent) , VALUE("Two", 2, doNothing, noEvent) );

int chooseTest = -1; CHOOSE(chooseTest, chooseMenu, "Choose", doNothing, noEvent, noStyle , VALUE("First", 1, doNothing, noEvent) , VALUE("Second", 2, doNothing, noEvent) , VALUE("Third", 3, doNothing, noEvent) , VALUE("Last", -1, doNothing, noEvent) );

//customizing a prompt look! //by extending the prompt class class altPrompt: public prompt { public: altPrompt(constMEM promptShadow& p): prompt(p) {} Used printTo(navRoot &root, bool sel, menuOut& out, idx_t idx, idx_t len, idx_t) override { return out.printRaw(F("special prompt!"), len); } };

MENU(subMenu, "Sub-Menu", showEvent, anyEvent, noStyle , OP("Sub1", showEvent, anyEvent) , OP("Sub2", showEvent, anyEvent) , OP("Sub3", showEvent, anyEvent) , altOP(altPrompt, "", showEvent, anyEvent) , EXIT("<Back") );

MENU(mainMenu, "Main menu", doNothing, noEvent, wrapStyle , OP("Op1", action1, anyEvent) , OP("Op2", action2, enterEvent) /* FIELD Parameters :

    Action Name(function name), Action Heading, Action Heading Unit,
    range_lowest, range_highest, range_increment_step,
 , FIELD(brightnessValue, "Brightness", "%", 0, 100, 5, 5, adjustBrightness, enterEvent, wrapStyle)
 , SUBMENU(subMenu)
 , SUBMENU(setLed)
 , OP("LED On", internalLedOn, enterEvent) // will turn on built-in LED
 , OP("LED Off", internalLedOff, enterEvent)// will turn off built-in LED
 , SUBMENU(selMenu)
 , SUBMENU(chooseMenu)
 , OP("Alert test", doAlert, enterEvent)
 , EXIT("<Back")

//describing a menu output device without macros //define at least one panel for menu output const panel panels[] MEMMODE = {{0, 0, 128 / fontW, 64 / fontH}}; navNode* nodes[sizeof(panels) / sizeof(panel)]; //navNodes to store navigation status panelsList pList(panels, nodes, 1); //a list of panels and nodes idx_t tops[MAX_DEPTH] = {0, 0}; //store cursor positions for each level


SSD1306AsciiOut outOLED(&oled, tops, pList, 8, 2); //oled output device menu driver


SSD1306AsciiOut outOLED(&oled, tops, pList, 5, 1); //oled output device menu driver


menuOut* constMEM outputs[] MEMMODE = {&outOLED}; //list of output devices outputsList out(outputs, 1); //outputs list


//build a map of keys to menu commands keyMap joystickBtn_map[] = { { -BTN_SEL, defaultNavCodes[enterCmd].ch} , { -BTN_UP, defaultNavCodes[upCmd].ch} , { -BTN_DOWN, defaultNavCodes[downCmd].ch} , { -BTN_ESC, defaultNavCodes[escCmd].ch} , }; keyIn joystickBtns(joystickBtn_map);//the input driver


//build a map of keys to menu commands keyMap joystickBtn_map[] = { { BTN_SEL, defaultNavCodes[enterCmd].ch} , { BTN_UP, defaultNavCodes[upCmd].ch} , { BTN_DOWN, defaultNavCodes[downCmd].ch} , { BTN_ESC, defaultNavCodes[escCmd].ch}, }; keyIn joystickBtns(joystickBtn_map);//the input driver


NAVROOT(nav, mainMenu, MAX_DEPTH, joystickBtns, out);

result alert(menuOut& o, idleEvent e) { if (e == idling) { o.setCursor(0, 0); o.print("alert test"); o.setCursor(0, 1); o.print("press [select]"); o.setCursor(0, 2); o.print("to continue..."); } return proceed; }

result doAlert(eventMask e, prompt &item) { nav.idleOn(alert); return proceed; }

//when menu is suspended result idle(menuOut &o, idleEvent e) { o.clear(); switch (e) { case idleStart: o.println("suspending menu!"); break; case idling: o.println("suspended..."); break; case idleEnd: o.println("resuming menu."); break; } return proceed; }

void setup() { joystickBtns.begin(); pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); Wire.begin(); oled.begin(&Adafruit128x64, OLED_I2C_ADDRESS); //check config oled.setFont(menuFont); oled.clear(); nav.idleTask = idle; //point a function to be used when menu is suspended }

void loop() { nav.poll(); delay(1);//simulate a delay when other tasks are done }


ACuppaJoes commented 2 years ago

Use the U8G2 Library instead. It has native support for the SH1107