neu-rah / ArduinoMenu

Arduino generic menu/interactivity system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Filter for filepicker #361

Open gilphilbert opened 3 years ago

gilphilbert commented 3 years ago

The filepicker is fantastic - just made my life infinitely easier!

One question though: I've read through the code quickly and it seems the answer is no, but does the filePicker have a filter? For example, could I allow it to show only files with a specific extension (*.txt) or fitting a specific name (*log.txt)?

hicksan commented 3 years ago

If this is the filePickMenu as used in SDCard.ino or SdFat.ino (example sketches) then I would be very interested to know how you got it to work because it doesn't for me. Thanks very much in advance.

gilphilbert commented 3 years ago

Can you share some code you've tried? I'm using this with U8g2 and custom input on an ESP32 with an SD card on a shared SPI bus using SD.h (code from SDCard.ino) - and I've had no issues at all.

hicksan commented 3 years ago

Here is SdFat01.ino as modified. I am using it with a basic Uno clone and an SD card - no u8g2 here at all in this instance - input and output via serial monitor only - and it doesn't work for me. I get garbage characters where the SUBMENU line should be, and the program crashes and restarts when any key is pressed. This is with pins 10, 11, 12 & 13 used for SPI + 5V and GND connections and USB as the basic power and PC connection. The same hardware configuration works perfectly with the standard SdFat.h library examples.




include <menuIO/serialIO.h>

include <plugin/SdFatMenu.h>

//enable this include if using esp8266 //#include <menuIO/esp8266Out.h>

using namespace Menu;

//esp8266 SS (wemos mini)


//#define SDCARD_SS 9 SdFat sd;

//function to handle file select // declared here and implemented bellow because we need // to give it as event handler for filePickMenu // and we also need to refer to filePickMenu inside the function result filePick(eventMask event, navNode& nav, prompt &item);

SDMenuT<CachedFSO<SdFat,32>> filePickMenu(sd,"SD Card","/",filePick,enterEvent);

//implementing the handler here after filePick is defined... result filePick(eventMask event, navNode& nav, prompt &item) { // switch(event) {//for now events are filtered only for enter, so we dont need this checking // case enterCmd: if (nav.root->navFocus==(navTarget*)&filePickMenu) { Serial.println(); Serial.print("selected file:"); Serial.println(filePickMenu.selectedFile); Serial.print("from folder:"); Serial.println(filePickMenu.selectedFolder); } // break; // } return proceed; }

define MAX_DEPTH 2

MENU(mainMenu,"Main menu",doNothing,noEvent,wrapStyle //,OP("Something...",doNothing,noEvent) ,SUBMENU(filePickMenu) ,OP("Something else...",doNothing,noEvent) ,EXIT("<Back") );

MENU_OUTPUTS(out,MAX_DEPTH ,SERIAL_OUT(Serial) ,NONE//must have 2 items at least );

serialIn serial(Serial); NAVROOT(nav,mainMenu,MAX_DEPTH,serial,out);

void setup() { pinMode(SDCARD_SS,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); Serial.println(); Serial.print("Initializing SD card..."); if (!sd.begin(SDCARD_SS, SD_SCK_MHZ(50))) { sd.initErrorHalt(); serial.println("SD Card Error"); } filePickMenu.begin();//need this after sd begin Serial.println("initialization done."); nav.useAccel=false; }

constexpr int menuFPS=25; unsigned long nextPool=0; void loop() { unsigned long now=millis(); if(now>=nextPool) { nav.poll(); nextPool=now+1000/menuFPS; } }

hicksan commented 3 years ago

I have switched from a Mega to an ESP8266, to avoid the AVR Progmem memory issues. But am now getting loads of compile errors about type File (from SdFat.h) not being recognized.