neu-rah / ArduinoMenu

Arduino generic menu/interactivity system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
931 stars 189 forks source link

Testing the example file btNav #387

Open pierbout opened 2 years ago

pierbout commented 2 years ago


I am discovering your library, and I don't manage to test your example file btNav.ino: I can compile and inject, but pressing the buttons doesn't do anything.

Is there anything I must modify in the library, according to my context, or is it supposed to work "as is"? (of course I changed the pins number of the switches to correspond to my board)

Maybe I must adapt according to pull up/pull down swiches?

btnNav works fine with + and - keys + ENTER (I don't understand how / and * keys are supposed to react) The final goal is to use the library on an arduino with an analogic joystick (i.e. 5 switches) and a TFT screen using eSPI