neu-rah / ArduinoMenu

Arduino generic menu/interactivity system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Starting integration of LCDGFX display driver with ArduinoMenu #423

Open schwos opened 10 months ago

schwos commented 10 months ago

We are leveraging small Arduino for a project which have limited memory. We have been successful in using LCDGFX to fit everything within the available memory we have. At the moment we are running about 85% prior to full optimization. We would like to leverage ArduinoMenu vs the LCDGFX built in menu as it provides a bit more flexibility.

Challenge we are having is LCDGFX leverages two class objects together Display and Nanoengine. Which are initialized in the following manner:

DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C display(-1); NanoEngine1<DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C> engine(display);

Using the Macro MENU_OUTPUTS we can't figure out how to pass the two class objects.

I am attempting to figure out how I can pass the nanengine and display objects to ArduinoMenu without throwing a compiler error.

I have tried:

MENU_OUTPUTS(out, MAX_DEPTH, NanoEngine1Out(engine, colors, fontX, fontY, offsetX, offsetY, {0, 0, U8_Width / fontX, U8_Height / fontY}) ,NONE);

MENU_OUTPUTS(out, MAX_DEPTH, NanoEngine1Out(engine(display), colors, fontX, fontY, offsetX, offsetY, {0, 0, U8_Width / fontX, U8_Height / fontY}) ,NONE);

The above give me -> This declaration has no storage class or type specifier

I have attempted without the Macro:

const Menu::panel panels[] MEMMODE={{0,0,40,2}}; Menu::navNode* nodes[sizeof(panels)/sizeof(Menu::panel)];//navNodes to store navigation status Menu::panelsList pList(panels,nodes,1);//a list of panels and nodes Menu::idx_t lcdTops[MAX_DEPTH]; //Menu::liquidCrystalOut outLCD(lcd,lcdTops,pList); Menu::menuOut* const outputs[] MEMMODE={&engine}; //list of output devices Menu::outputsList out(outputs,1);

This states ->

cannot convert 'NanoEngine1' {aka 'NanoEngine<NanoCanvas<16, 16, 1>, DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C>'} to 'Menu::menuOut* const' in initialization

if I try Menu::menuOut* const outputs[] MEMMODE={&engine(display)};

Compiler states:

call of an object of a class type without appropriate operator() or conversion functions to pointer-to-function type

Below is the draft lcdgfxOut.h library to be inserted into ArduinoMenu..




include "lcdgfx.h"

include "lcdgfx_gui.h"

//DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C display(-1); // or (-1,{busId, addr, scl, sda, frequency}). This line is suitable for most platforms by default //NanoEngine1 engine(display);

include "menuDefs.h"

namespace Menu {

class NanoEngine1Out:public gfxOut {
  int8_t offsetX=0;
  int8_t offsetY=0;
        NanoEngine1<DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C>& gfx;
        //NanoEngine1& gfx;
        const colorDef<uint8_t> (&colors)[nColors];
            NanoEngine1<DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C>& gfx,
            //NanoEngine1& gfx,
            const colorDef<uint8_t> (&c)[nColors],
            idx_t* t,
            panelsList &p,
            idx_t resX=6,
            idx_t resY=9,
            idx_t offsetX=0,
            idx_t offsetY=0,
    int fontMarginY=1
        ) :gfxOut(resX,resY,t,p,(styles)(menuOut::redraw|menuOut::rasterDraw)),gfx(gfx),colors(c) {
                //gfx.setFontPosBottom(); // U8Glib font positioning

            NanoEngine1<DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C>& gfx,
            const colorDef<uint8_t> (&c)[nColors],
            idx_t* t,
            panelsList &p,
            idx_t resX,
            idx_t resY,
            idx_t offsetX,
            idx_t offsetY,
            int fontMarginX,
            int fontMarginY
        ) :gfxOut(resX,resY,t,p,(styles)(menuOut::redraw|menuOut::rasterDraw)),gfx(gfx),colors(c) {
                //gfx.setFontPosBottom(); // U8Glib font positioning

        size_t write(uint8_t ch) override {return gfx.getCanvas().printChar(ch);}

        inline uint8_t getColor(colorDefs color=bgColor,bool selected=false,status stat=enabledStatus,bool edit=false) const {
            return memByte(&(stat==enabledStatus?colors[color].enabled[selected+edit]:colors[color].disabled[selected]));

        void setColor(colorDefs c,bool selected=false,status s=enabledStatus,bool edit=false) override {

        void clearLine(idx_t ln,idx_t panelNr=0,colorDefs color=bgColor,bool selected=false,status stat=enabledStatus,bool edit=false) override {
            const panel p=panels[panelNr];
            gfx.getCanvas().fillRect(p.x*resX + offsetX /*- 1*/,(p.y+ln)*resY + offsetY /*- fontMarginY*/,maxX()*resX /*+ fontMarginY*/ /*+ fontMarginY*/,resY /*+ fontMarginY*/ /*+ fontMarginY*/);
        void clear() override {
        void clear(idx_t panelNr) override {
            const panel p=panels[panelNr];
            gfx.getCanvas().fillRect(p.x*resX + offsetX,p.y*resY + offsetY,p.w*resX,p.h*resY);
        void box(idx_t panelNr,idx_t x,idx_t y,idx_t w=1,idx_t h=1,colorDefs c=bgColor,bool selected=false,status stat=enabledStatus,bool edit=false) override {
            const panel p=panels[panelNr];

        void rect(idx_t panelNr,idx_t x,idx_t y,idx_t w=1,idx_t h=1,colorDefs c=bgColor,bool selected=false,status stat=enabledStatus,bool edit=false) override {
            const panel p=panels[panelNr];

        void setCursor(idx_t x,idx_t y,idx_t panelNr=0) override {
            // _trace(Serial<<"setCursor"<<endl);
            const panel p=panels[panelNr];
            gfx.getDisplay().setTextCursor((p.x+x)*resX+fontMarginX + offsetX,(p.y+y+1)*resY-fontMarginY + offsetY);
            //gfx.getCanvas().printFixedPgm((p.x+x)*resX+fontMarginX + offsetX,(p.y+y+1)*resY-fontMarginY + offsetY,"");
            //gfx. = (p.x+x)*resX+fontMarginX + offsetX;
            //gfx.ty = (p.y+y+1)*resY-fontMarginY + offsetY;

        idx_t startCursor(navRoot& root,idx_t x,idx_t y,bool charEdit,idx_t panelNr) override {
          if (charEdit) {
            // rect(panelNr,  x-1,  y, 1, 1, bgColor, false, enabledStatus, false);
                const panel p=panels[panelNr];
                gfx.getCanvas().drawRect((p.x+x)*resX + offsetX +fontMarginX,(p.y+y)*resY+ offsetY /*-fontMarginY*/,resX,resY);
          }/* else
            box(panelNr,  x,  y, 1, 1, bgColor, false, enabledStatus, false);*/
          return 0;

        // idx_t endCursor(navRoot& root,idx_t x,idx_t y,bool charEdit,idx_t panelNr) override {
        //   setColor(fgColor,true,enabledStatus,true);return 0;
        // }

  idx_t editCursor(navRoot& root,idx_t x,idx_t y,bool editing,bool charEdit,idx_t panelNr=0) override {
          if (editing) {
                // box(panelNr,x-1,y);
                const panel p=panels[panelNr];
                gfx.getCanvas().drawRect((x+p.x-1)*resX + offsetX + fontMarginX-1,(p.y+y)*resY + offsetY /*- fontMarginY+2*/,resX+1 ,resY);
          return 0;

        void drawCursor(idx_t ln,bool selected,status stat,bool edit=false,idx_t panelNr=0) override {
            // _trace(Serial<<"drawCursor"<<endl);
            const panel p=panels[panelNr];
            // gfxOut::drawCursor(ln,selected,stat);
            gfx.getCanvas().drawRect(p.x*resX + offsetX /*+ fontMarginX*/,(p.y+ln)*resY + offsetY /*+ fontMarginY*/,maxX()*resX ,resY);
        idx_t printRaw(const char* at,idx_t len) override {
            return print((__FlashStringHelper*)at);
          // const char* p=at;
          // uint8_t ch;
          // for(int n=0;(ch=memByte(at++))&&(len==0||n<len);n++) {
            //  trace(Serial<<"["<<ch<<"]");
          //   write(ch);
          // }
          // return at-p-1;





schwos commented 10 months ago

I was successful in getting the MENU_OUTPUTS to generate the initialize:

Menu::idx_t outTops73[2]; panel _panels_outPanels73[] ={{0, 0, 128 / 6, 64 / 10}}; Menu::navNode* _nodes_outPanels73[sizeof(_panels_outPanels73)/sizeof(panel)]; Menu::panelsList outPanels73(_panels_outPanels73,_nodes_outPanels73,sizeof(_panels_outPanels73)/sizeof(panel));; Menu::NanoEngine1Out out73(engine,colors,outTops73,outPanels73,6,10,0,3); Menu::menuOut* out_outPtrs[] ={ &out73, }; Menu::outputsList out(out_outPtrs,sizeof(out_outPtrs)/sizeof(Menu::menuOut*));

Though at moment I have LCDGFX complaining..