neuecc / UniRx

Reactive Extensions for Unity
MIT License
7.1k stars 889 forks source link

What game or library is using UniRx? #152

Open neuecc opened 8 years ago

neuecc commented 8 years ago

Please comment it. I'll list to ReadMe.

reinterpretcat commented 8 years ago

I'm using it in my projects: (deprecated, but has more information in description) (new one, still in progress)

Many thanks to you for the project: it helped me to implement concurrency in the Unity apps in nice way.

neuecc commented 8 years ago

Thank you, I've added it.

Skybladev2 commented 8 years ago

@neuecc I found a game:

shiwano commented 8 years ago

I'm using UniRX in my project (but it's not be released yet 😅). I could learn convenience of reactive programming by UniRX, thank you so much.

neuecc commented 8 years ago

@shiwano Thank you, added!

saynomoo commented 8 years ago

We are using it in our both published games:

Thank you for such a nice library :)

FodderMK commented 8 years ago

We use it extensively in most of our games. The biggest two:

AdVenture Capitalist: AdVenture Communist:

I also mentioned it in a talk I gave at GDC:

neuecc commented 7 years ago

@saynomoo @FodderMK Thank you and sorry for delay response. I've added your great works!

polats commented 7 years ago

Hello! I used UniRx to recreate the Suggestion Box from @staltz's Reactive Programming tutorial, maybe other people will find it useful:

grofit commented 7 years ago

Hey, you have one of my other libs on here EcsRx I have just done a simple 2-way binding system on top of unirx for unity BindingsRx, up to you if you want it added to the docs.

neonaleon commented 7 years ago

I am using UniRx for many UI, and some messaging between game systems. You can check the game out at

hbodev commented 7 years ago

It seems that "Super Mario Run" (iOS) is using your library.

Go to "Options" -> "About this App" -> "Copyright" -> First library listed

holycattle commented 7 years ago

Hi! We're using UniRx for UI components as well as web API calls to an in-house web service that we're using to build a Steam game that's coming out on Early Access:

flycarl commented 7 years ago

Hi! All the game logic and UI in our game use UniRx

One of a highlight of using UniRx is follow three line code I imply a logic of attack combo, very excite~ Public ReactiveProperty<int> effectAttack = new ReactiveProperty<int>(0); var throttleStream = effectAttack.Throttle(System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ComboTime)).StartWith(0); effectAttack.WithLatestFrom(throttleStream, (k, t) => k - t) .Subscribe(c => ShowCombo(c)) .AddTo(this);

periodyctom commented 6 years ago

Hello. I used UniRx to handle a lot of the Server call and UI update logic for Viveport VR:

otri commented 6 years ago

Conquer uses UniRX for coordinating all the UI and gameplay elements in PeriopSim VR Simulation.

timmeh4242 commented 6 years ago

i use in at least a couple of projects:

AlphaECS - yet another Entity Component System framework for Unity that uses UniRx for fully reactive systems and includes support for dependency injection (we use Zenject). It's a fork of EcsRx and heavily inspired by uFrame.

Mecanator - a simple set of tools that add visual scripting power to Mecanim. It uses UniRx for fully reactive state machines. Mecanator is currently in an early / experimental stage, so expect things to improve and also change and break from time to time.

liangxiegame commented 6 years ago

We are using UniRx for include library. this is a RAD framework. The goal of QFramework is made fresh man develop game as fast as poisible.

And I am writing the chinese version of UniRx Tutorial.

selfsx commented 6 years ago

Using it (Forked) in our battle royale game (soon will be available world wide): Trailer (RUS) - iOS - Android -