[Serializable] public class RxPointPresenter : MonoBehaviour
{[SerializeField] public RxPoint point = new RxPoint(new Point(Vector3.zero));}
public class RxPoint : ReactiveProperty<Point> {
public RxPoint() { }
public RxPoint(Point initialValue) : base(initialValue) { }}
public class PointReactivePropertyInspector : InspectorDisplayDrawer { }
public class Point{[SerializeField] public Vector3ReactiveProperty Position { get; set; }}
Looks like the InspectorDisplayDrawer does not properly display the ReactiveProperty
The first image was generated with a CustomPropertyDrawer:
public class PointReactivePropertyInspector : InspectorDisplayDrawer { }
The second when using properties.
public Vector3ReactiveProperty Position { get; set; }
The Inspector display looks very wrong:
Looks like the InspectorDisplayDrawer does not properly display the ReactiveProperty
The first image was generated with a CustomPropertyDrawer:
The second when using properties.
Windows x64 Home Unity 5.6.0p3