neuecc / Utf8Json

Definitely Fastest and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin).
MIT License
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:bug: Input and Output formatters now are async. #193

Closed bernardbr closed 5 months ago

bernardbr commented 4 years ago

This change resolve the System.InvalidOperationException: Synchronous operations are disallowed. Call ReadAsync or set AllowSynchronousIO to true instead. that occours when you use formatters on netcore 3.+

bernardbr commented 4 years ago

This change resolves the #186 issue

mausworks commented 4 years ago

I need this. Any chance of it getting merged anytime soon? :)

om-ha commented 4 years ago

We need this badly!

houseofcat commented 4 years ago

I would obviously loved for this to released. Assume @neuecc is busy.

It isn't too terribly difficult to just copy the JsonOutputFormatter and the JsonInputFormatter into your project and use them with these changes either.

faustodavid commented 4 years ago

Top PR, Looking at the code frequency @neuecc is not maintaining this repository anymore.

The last commit was in January 2018.

That is sad because as for me this is for far the best JSON serializer in dotnet, it is simple, elegant, and super fast compare to System.Text.Json. I understand that the maintainers move to MessagePack that fit better their requirements as game developers. But, it will be so cool if they let the community maintain this repo :)

I recommend you @bernardbr to create a separate repo and publish this formatter as a new NuGet.

sandromastronardi commented 3 years ago

Wow, this has been here long... I ran into this but I am surprised that this PR has been waiting here SO long... Please fix this and help the world... accept this PR... it's such an easy one to push through...