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DeSerializing a class with property setter logic throws exception #199

Open krishnan-unni opened 4 years ago

krishnan-unni commented 4 years ago

I have this class which I am trying to serialize\deserialize:

public class MyClass

        private string value;

        public string Value
                return this.value;

                if (value.Length != 5)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value.Length, "Expecting 6 length.");

                this.value = value;

        public int intItem { get; set; }

        public SubClass SubClass { get; set; }

    public class SubClass
        public static SubClass GetInstance()
            return new SubClass();

        private SubClass()
        { }
        public int item { get; set; }

        public string stinngitem { get; set; }

//Initialization for testing purpose:

MyClass myclass = new MyClass(); 
myclass.SubClass = SubClass.GetInstance(); 
myclass.SubClass.item = 1;

Type type = myclass.GetType();
byte[]  serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(myclass);             //works fine

object instance = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<object>(serialized); //No error. This is what I would need to use
MyClass newMyclass = instance as MyClass;   //returns null. 

//Tried these too
MyClass newinstance = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MyClass>(serialized);           //error
MyClass anotherinstance = JsonSerializer.NonGeneric.Deserialize(type, serialized);   //error

For all the deserialization operations the error I get is

System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The reason is the Value property is null and it has a setter logic.

                if (value.Length != 5)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value.Length, "Expecting 6 length.");

                this.value = value;

But I have set the AllowPrivateExcludeNull option.

When I try to deserialize with object as the type then it converts it all to a nested dictionary but lose all type information. So when cast to MyClass I get only a null.

I am able to do this just fine with JSON.NET. Is this a bug?