neuefische / web-exercises

Session exercises
MIT License
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new solution suggestion #377

Closed JessicaLoers closed 3 months ago

JessicaLoers commented 3 months ago

This updated pull request implements the enhancements specified in ticket #652

The changes include:

This is outdated ⤵️ ~Reasons for adjusting the solution~

~The solution deviates from the initial challenge template given to students, which can cause confusion.~

~- Function Naming Inconsistency: The challenge template instructs students to use a function named getUser for fetching data. The solution changes this to loadUser.~ ~- Inconsistency in User Interaction and Data Fetching: The template for the challenge uses async and await directly in the event listener. The solution does not explicitly handle the asynchronous process.~

~Further suggestions~ ~- Implement structured error handling to enhance the robustness of our application.~ ~- Handle UI updates separately within the event listener, maintaining a clear separation of concerns.~