neuhausi / canvasXpress

CanvasXpress: A JavaScript Library for Data Analytics with Full Audit Trail Capabilities.
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Disappearing icon in toolbar #166

Open sarah-binf opened 1 month ago

sarah-binf commented 1 month ago

The third icon from the left in the toolbar appears initially but will disappear after interacting with the graph. I have not seen it before. I understand that "toolbarItems" in the configuration can control what appears in the toolbar but I am curious as to why it disappears and what it does/what it is called.

Third icon from the left appears initially as seen below: disappearing_icon Then it disappears as seen below: regular_icons

neuhausi commented 1 month ago

What version are those graphs? I removed the ability to move the canvas manually as it was creating some issues in some pages and people were not using it. I am surprised it actually shows up. More important do you need that capability?

sarah-binf commented 1 month ago

I do not need this capability. I think they are from the most recent version since they are from #editable in I also got the error in my own graph when using version 51.5 and 50.7.4. It still appears when I first hover of the toolbar and then disappears almost immediately when I specify "toolbarItems": ["Save", "History", "Table", "Explore", "Customize", "Maximize"],

neuhausi commented 1 month ago

What error?

sarah-binf commented 1 month ago

Sorry I meant the same problem occurs - the drag icon appears and then goes away in both versions

neuhausi commented 1 month ago

Got it. I will disable the icon completely. Thank you for the bug report