neumatho / NostalgicPlayer

Music/module player written in C# that can play old modules from the Amiga and PC days. You can download modules from my home page.
MIT License
36 stars 4 forks source link

4.0/5.1/7.1 --> 2.0 #49

Closed 7zxkv closed 7 months ago

7zxkv commented 8 months ago


I've noticed that there's an initialization problem if the speakers are configured in 4.0/5.1/7.1, they need to be configured in 2.0 otherwise no sound is transmitted. Would it be possible to correct this or set it via the software rather than via Windows?

best regards

Raph99-Thanys commented 8 months ago

Hi, i have exactly the same bug, my sound system is in 5.1 by default, if i try to launch "NostalicPlayer" with 5.1 activated, then the outpout fail to initialize (error: 0x80131500 no endpoint device could be found)

Thank for NostlgicPlayer is already really cool ;)

neumatho commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your comments. At the moment, NostalgicPlayer only generate stereo output (2.0), but I will try to look at it and see if I can get something to work no matter which settings you have in Windows.

neumatho commented 7 months ago

@7zxkv, does NostalgicPlayer start playing the module, but you don't hear anything or do you get an error message like @Raph99-Thanys?

I have tried to connect a set of extra speakers as rear speaker and Windows detect them and I have set them up to 4.0. Then starting NostalgicPlayer, it plays the module just fine in the front speakers. What do I need to do to reproduce the error?

I have a pretty good idea of why you will get an error message, but it would be nice if I could test if a fix works instead of trying to do something blindfolded.

Raph99-Thanys commented 7 months ago

I'm here if you need help, to try/test/crashtest ;) and sorry for my strange english, i'm french ^^

Raph99-Thanys commented 7 months ago


If i try to juste launch NostalgicPlayer in 5.1, i got this error:


But if i put my system in "Stéréo" (2.0) then NostalgicPlayer work like a charm ^^' 03

by the way if you need it, i have more than 5k of compressed Amiga Music Files, in a lot of different rip, some are old AND in real Amiga "Original Direct Rip", i can put them on for you, just ask ;)

Edit: if i put them in anything other than "Stéréo" -> error message ^^

neumatho commented 7 months ago

I also have Realtek and this is exactly what I'm doing, but it still works. I know where in the code the error message is shown and what it's doing (I trying to get an output from Windows which can take either stereo or mono), and this is failing on your machine. Which version of Windows do you use? Windows 10 or 11?

Well, I have an idea to get it to work.

Thanks to offer me your music, but I have a lot already (downloaded whole Aminet and Modland). You can check out my homepage, there you can download all the modules I have in the supported formats. As more formats are supported, more modules will be available.

Raph99-Thanys commented 7 months ago

Hello, i'm using Windows 10 (10.7 version 21H2)

neumatho commented 7 months ago

I have now tried on a Windows 10 and there it also work fine. Strange.

Well, if you want, you can be my tester to see if my solution work or not when done.

Raph99-Thanys commented 7 months ago

I'm ready for it! rmb

neumatho commented 7 months ago

I have just commited a fix (hopefully). Can you compile by yourself or do you need a compiled package to test with?

Raph99-Thanys commented 7 months ago

i need a compiled package plz :)

neumatho commented 7 months ago

Here you go:

Raph99-Thanys commented 7 months ago

AANNNNNDD!!!???? it's a win! mailspring_VUkFZUxAdH

Good job!! :)

neumatho commented 7 months ago

Great! I will close the issue then.

7zxkv commented 7 months ago

thanks Neumatho and raph99 ;)

neumatho commented 7 months ago

Hi @Raph99-Thanys,

I'm just wondering how your audio setup is. Do you use a receiver which can take 5.1 Jacks and if yes, what the name of that receiver. I was thinking of adding real surround support if I can find a receiver. My currently receiver only have stereo input, but support the old Prologic surround format.


Raph99-Thanys commented 7 months ago

Hi, i'm using a 5.1 System from Creative, an OLLLDDD! one... This one: "Creative Labs T6300 5.1" ( Directly plugged on my "realteack" sound system from my mother board, with 2.5 jacks (MB = MSI MAG B660 Mortar) it's a Physical 5.1 System

neumatho commented 7 months ago

Thanks. Talk continued on discussion #54.