neural-data-science-course /

An open source course on programming and analysis methods for systems neuroscience
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Refine syllabus #1

Open svenvanderburg opened 2 years ago

svenvanderburg commented 2 years ago

Reproducible computational environments for research

Neural data handling and preprocessing

Single cells analysis


Population-level analysis

svenvanderburg commented 2 years ago

Here are some of my thoughts about the syllabus: (we can discuss it further tomorrow)

Software engineering best practices for researchers

This could be given as a suggestion to teach before we dive into the 'real' content.

Neural data handling and preprocessing

Instead of having a separate module for data handling and preprocessing I would suggest to have this interwoven in the other modules. I.e. you want to do some analysis, so you load in the data, preprocess it, then do your analysis. Unless this deviates a lot from what you already have of course?

Single cells analysis


Population-level analysis

It seems like now you focus a lot on teaching a broad spectrum of analysis techniques out there. In general I would focus mostly on giving students the right tools to be able to perform any preprocessing and analysis of any data they encounter in the wild. You can never cover all the techniques out there, but you can teach how to approach the problem in such a way that you can tackle it yourself. The modules could then be seen as 'examples' of a data analysis pipeline, at the end of the course students could develop such a pipeline themselves in groups. If you want to cover a lot of different analysis techniques you could give a lecture about it (without programming).

An example dataset-centered module, assuming a dataset with multiple single cells recorded from hippocampus during a spatial task:

  1. Loading and exploring the data
  2. Cleaning and preprocessing the data
  3. Single cell analysis using PSTH
  4. Place cells & grid cells
  5. GLM models of neural response
  6. Neural decoding of space

Maybe teach around a sort of 'neural data analysis workflow' with different steps (i.e. step 1: explore the data, step 2: don't reinvent the wheel, search for existing solutions, step n: share your work on github etc.)