neuralchen / SimSwap

An arbitrary face-swapping framework on images and videos with one single trained model!
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./checkpoints\people\latest_net_G.pth not exists yet! Send help :0 #412

Closed GooseBBB closed 1 year ago

GooseBBB commented 1 year ago

Went through the installation process with a lot of different problems. Finally, i almost got it to work. Tried to test the first swap from demo directory to see how it works and got this message.

------------ Options ------------- Arc_path: arcface_model/arcface_checkpoint.tar aspect_ratio: 1.0 batchSize: 8 checkpoints_dir: ./checkpoints cluster_path: features_clustered_010.npy crop_size: 224 data_type: 32 dataroot: ./datasets/cityscapes/ display_winsize: 512 engine: None export_onnx: None feat_num: 3 fineSize: 512 fp16: False gpu_ids: [0] how_many: 50 id_thres: 0.03 image_size: 224 input_nc: 3 instance_feat: False isTrain: False label_feat: False label_nc: 0 latent_size: 512 loadSize: 1024 load_features: False local_rank: 0 max_dataset_size: inf model: pix2pixHD multisepcific_dir: ./demo_file/multispecific nThreads: 2 n_blocks_global: 6 n_blocks_local: 3 n_clusters: 10 n_downsample_E: 4 n_downsample_global: 3 n_local_enhancers: 1 name: people nef: 16 netG: global ngf: 64 niter_fix_global: 0 no_flip: False no_instance: False no_simswaplogo: False norm: batch norm_G: spectralspadesyncbatch3x3 ntest: inf onnx: None output_nc: 3 output_path: ./output/multi_test_swapsingle.mp4 phase: test pic_a_path: ./demo_file/Iron_man.jpg pic_b_path: G:/swap_data/ID/bengio.jpg pic_specific_path: ./crop_224/zrf.jpg resize_or_crop: scale_width results_dir: ./results/ semantic_nc: 3 serial_batches: False temp_path: ./temp_results tf_log: False use_dropout: False use_encoded_image: False use_mask: True verbose: False video_path: ./demo_file/multi_people_1080p.mp4 which_epoch: latest -------------- End ---------------- ./checkpoints\people\latest_net_G.pth not exists yet! Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 54, in model = create_model(opt) File "C:\SimSwap\SimSwap-main\models\", line 18, in create_model model.initialize(opt) File "C:\SimSwap\SimSwap-main\models\", line 74, in initialize self.load_network(self.netG, 'G', opt.which_epoch, pretrained_path) File "C:\SimSwap\SimSwap-main\models\", line 64, in load_network raise('Generator must exist!') TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException

I have found only 1 post about this trouble, and solution discussed in that post didnt work for me. help ;0

GooseBBB commented 1 year ago

Problem solved, i mistyped name of the checkpoints folder :D