neuralfraud / grafana-prtg

A PRTG Datasource plugin for Grafana
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Can the transformation options be included? #37

Open darinarrick opened 7 years ago

darinarrick commented 7 years ago

If you add a Graphite data source, you get a menu at the end of the query which has a bunch of transformation options (i.e. "Combine", "Transform", "Calculate", etc.). When you add data from PRTG, there is no such menu. Can this be added?

Use case: I'm pulling processor utilizations from a farm and I want to make a chart of the average (i.e. Server1CPU1+Server1CPU2+Server2CPU1+.../(num of CPUs)). I'm pretty new to Grafana, so I don't know if I can just hack this together in the Panel JSON or if the UI is needed for it.


jeremymcgee73 commented 7 years ago

This would be a great feature. I was just trying to show my CPU average on a singlestat but it doesn't work. I believe the query returns multiple values for the channel.

lbgonzalez10 commented 7 years ago

This feature would help out, cause I need to multiply value by 8 for a certain use.

darinarrick commented 7 years ago

As I said, I'm new to Grafana, but it looks like those functions are in the data source itself (not the datasource interface like this one we're using for PRTG, but in PRTG or the underlying database itself).

To get an average of some things in PRTG, I had to make a sensor with the built in "Sensor Factory" in PRTG, with a formula to add things together and then divide by the quantity. It then just becomes another sensor that you can add through neuralfraud's PRTG datasource just like any other.

So this may not be a valid feature request after all.

neuralfraud commented 7 years ago

alright i'll see what i can do here in the near future. I think enough people have requested it so i may as well look into it. i'll keep this issue open.

dmayan commented 7 years ago

This would be great. I measure Netonix voltages with PRTG and they are reported in Volt*100

Liquidmantis commented 7 years ago

Adding a vote on this because on network graphs the displayed scale ends up being in MB/s which confuses people. It'd be nice to be able to multiply by 8 and set the scale to bits/sec rather than bytes/sec, which I'm guessing is what @lbgonzalez10 is wanting to do as well.

foorschtbar commented 7 years ago

Same request as

alxshr commented 7 years ago

I think you can achieve this within PRTG by using "SENSOR FACTORY SENSOR" with functions, and then taking the result of the sensor to Grafana.

garimelecio commented 7 years ago


I would love to have this transform feature.

But for the meantime, is there a way to have the PRTG API to return values in bits instead of bytes?

scfigg commented 7 years ago

alxshr - I added a factory sensor to my firewall in PRTG to monitor internet throughput, and can't get it to display in Mbps in Grafana. Here is an example of my PRTG sensor:


Channel(6164,0) * 8


Channel(6164,1) * 8


Channel(6164,-1) * 8

However, then in Grafana, it shows in Gbps or Tbps. I can't get it to show properly to save my life. I have the metric set to bits/sec. Any ideas?