neuralmagic / deepsparse

Sparsity-aware deep learning inference runtime for CPUs
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object detection on video with deepsparse #1119

Closed aymeric75 closed 9 months ago

aymeric75 commented 1 year ago


I could not find any example on how to use deepsparse for object detection on a video.

Here is the script that I use with a "normal" yolo8 model.

import cv2
from ultralytics import YOLO
import torch

model = YOLO('')

cap = cv2.VideoCapture('')

while cap.isOpened():

    success, frame =

    if success:

        results = model(frame)
        annotated_frame = results[0].plot()
        cv2.imshow("YOLOv8n Inference", annotated_frame)

        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):


Any idea ?

Thanks !

kXborg commented 1 year ago

@aymeric75 I have the same query.

mgoin commented 1 year ago

Hi @aymeric75 and @kXborg

We have some exmaples of how to use YOLOv8 pipelines with DeepSparse here: Particularly you might want to use the script.

Here is an example command using that YOLOv8 script to annotate a video:

python deepsparse/src/deepsparse/yolov8/ --model_filepath zoo:cv/detection/yolov8-n/pytorch/ultralytics/coco/base-none --source apples.mp4

In the model_filepath you can see I used a SparseZoo model stub, which you can find for all the YOLOv8 COCO models here, optimized and base versions:

You can also replace python deepsparse/src/deepsparse/yolov8/ with deepsparse.yolov8.annotate as a CLI script.

We're working on more documentation for YOLOv8 so let me know if any more detail would help, thanks!

jeanniefinks commented 9 months ago

Hello @aymeric75 As it's been some time since we last communicated on this thread, I am going to go ahead and close out this inquiry. Should you have more questions, please reach out. Or a start a new issue on a new topic. Thank you! Jeannie / Neural Magic

aymeric75 commented 9 months ago

I actually ended up using a simple SSD2 model, and a better hardware (coral edge tpu) that made the whole difference