Tighten up performance for DeepSparseSentenceTransformer by implementing bucketing alongside a dynamic model for small sequence lengths and batching. This also comes with a benchmarking script that shows speedup compared against SentenceTransformers
python benchmark_encoding.py --base_model BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5 --sparse_model zeroshot/bge-small-en-v1.5-quant
[Standard SentenceTransformer] Encoded 100 sentences of length 700 in 10.42 seconds.
[DeepSparse] Encoded 100 sentences of length 700 in 4.04 seconds.
[DeepSparse Optimized] Encoded 100 sentences of length 700 in 1.82 seconds.
Tighten up performance for DeepSparseSentenceTransformer by implementing bucketing alongside a dynamic model for small sequence lengths and batching. This also comes with a benchmarking script that shows speedup compared against SentenceTransformers