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[V2 Loggers] config file #1533

Closed horheynm closed 5 months ago

horheynm commented 6 months ago
Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10 53 12 AM

Config for validation


Config yaml file has five top level properties: version, logging, system, performance and metric. version is always 2, since its for v2 pipeline logging is the name of the defined logging (class LoggingFoo: here the name is LoggingFoo) which are singletons (one instance per any Name). Sys, Perf and Met are the three entry points to use the Logger. System is for default python (import logging) logging Performance is for logging any hardware, benchmark,..etc metric-related log (thing that are already defined). Metric is for input related logging (output value based on inputs).

If logging has any args for instantiation, one can define as

    name: FooLogger
    arg1: 1
    arg2: 2

For the three entry points, the top level after the root logger (system, metric, performance) is called the tag. Tags are used to filter out and log in any matching tag by regex. Under tags, we have three (four in metrics) properties, func is the function to apply to any value of interest to log. freq is the rate to log once a matching entry is encountered. uses: is a list to specify which logger to use, selected by logger_id

capture (metric only): key of the dict, property name to extract from the output of an operator, ran in logging middleware

system: # Python/system level logging
  ".*": # reges tag to capture
  - func: identity # func name or path/to/
    freq: 1 # rate to log
    uses: # which logger to use, point to the log id above
    - default 
  - func: max
    freq: 1
    - list
    capture:  # The key, property to log. Ex rtn: Operator = AddOneOperator(...), if capture is set to value, it would record rtn.capture, if tag above is set to any regex that recognizes AddOneOperator (currently set to ".*")
    - ".*" # log every key, property that the dict, class has

In other words, for each root logger, what tags are we logging. With respect to tags, what function are we applying if any, at what rate and with respect to what loggers are we using

Root logger is a function of tags, tags are a fucntion of frequency, func and loggers. Root logger(tag(freq, func, loggers, capture))


version: 2 # v2 uses 2

  list: # Logger ID
    name: ListLogger # class name or path/to/
    handler: None # Handler config, default set to default logging 
    name: PythonLogger 
    handler: None
system: # Python/system level logging
  ".*": # reges tag to capture
  - func: identity # func name or path/to/
    freq: 1 # rate to log
    uses: # which logger to use, point to the log id above
    - default 
  - func: identity
    freq: 1
    - default
  - func: max
    freq: 1
    - list
    capture:  # The key, property to log. Ex rtn: Operator = AddOneOperator(...), if capture is set to value, it would record rtn.capture, if tag above is set to any regex that recognizes AddOneOperator (currently set to ".*")
    - ".*"

Default config without any inputs

version: 2
    name: ListLogger
    handler: None
    name: PythonLogger
    handler: None
  - func: identity
    freq: 1
    - default
  - func: identity
    freq: 1
    - default
  - func: max
    freq: 1
    - list
    - ".*"

TODO: Handlers