neuroanatomy / microdraw

Collaborative vectorial annotation tool for ultra high resolution data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Animal names for anonymous users #35

Closed anibalsolon closed 3 years ago

anibalsolon commented 3 years ago

Suggestion by @xgui3783 !

What is the current behaviour?

In the chat (and possibly other places), users that are not logged in are shown as 'undefined'.

What is the expected or desired behavior?

Show animal names! 🙆🏻‍♂️ 💥

xgui3783 commented 3 years ago

How it started:

Undefined has entered

How it's going to be going:

The mischievous kangaroo had entered

r03ert0 commented 3 years ago

In BrainBox at the moment anonymous users get a 'u' name (see picture). The whole chat needs an overhaul, and the code should be common for brainbox and microdraw (same for the 'project' workflow). I'd be all for having animal names everywhere! With animal avatars!

xgui3783 commented 3 years ago

hmm sounds like (at least the chat box) can be extracted into its own component/module/repository ?

I understand a portion microdraw is already written in vuejs, does it make sense to extract the chat functionality (both brainbox and microdraw) into its own repository, then bootstrap it the component in their respective parent applications.

so bugs such as #37 may only need to be fixed once, rather than twice (I know brainbox chat box may not have this issue, but just as an example)

r03ert0 commented 3 years ago

that would be awesome! the only particularity of the chat - that's implemented in brainbox but not in microdraw yet - is that you can click on a person's name to navigate to the brain, view and slice where they are working. But I think it wouldn't be to difficult to come with an api for that.