neuroanatomy / microdraw

Collaborative vectorial annotation tool for ultra high resolution data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Adding `text` annotations breaks project display #68

Open r03ert0 opened 2 years ago

r03ert0 commented 2 years ago

I created a new project and added a text annotation. Text annotations don't seem to be handled yet, however, it is possible to add them through the project settings interface.

The problem is that the js code in project.mustache fails when trying to handle text annotations, at this line:

$("#projectFiles thead tr").append("<th>" + app.projectInfo.annotations.list[k].name + "</th>");

Changing the "Comments" text layer that I had added to vectorial type, fixes the display issue.

Expected behaviour: gracefully ignore the text annotation layer, maybe providing a message (alert?) indicating that text annotation layers are not implemented yet.