When our CI suite runs on GH, we want to make use of the new SPARQL test graph introduced in #357. However, this new graph depends on two new submodules (also introduced in #357) to be available. We therefore have to
[ ] Update the CI test workflow to initialize the new submodules
[x] Launch the local test graph before the tests are run in the CI
[x] Ensure all tests are run, including the integration tests (the ones that use a real graph instead of mocking graph responses)
When our CI suite runs on GH, we want to make use of the new SPARQL test graph introduced in #357. However, this new graph depends on two new submodules (also introduced in #357) to be available. We therefore have to
_Originally posted by @alyssadai in https://github.com/neurobagel/api/pull/357#discussion_r1809958658_