neurobin / MT7630E

Modified easy installation package
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Manjaro problem #38

Closed JustDenP closed 7 years ago

JustDenP commented 7 years ago

I can not solve the problem . I do not know what to do , I tried to run on different versions of the kernel . 4.6.6. - 1 and 4.4.17-1, manjaro 16.08pre1

[denis@denis-pc MT7630E-release]$ sudo chmod +x install test uninstall bpatch [sudo] password for denis: [denis@denis-pc MT7630E-release]$ sudo ./install make -C /lib/modules/uname -r/build M=/home/denis/Downloads/MT7630E-release/rt2x00 modules make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/modules/4.4.17-1-MANJARO/build' make[1]: * No rule to make target 'modules'. Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/modules/4.4.17-1-MANJARO/build' make: * [Makefile:8: all] Error 2 [denis@denis-pc MT7630E-release]$

neurobin commented 7 years ago

Did you install the headers?

JustDenP commented 7 years ago

I am beginner :) I used Manjaro settings manajer that would upgrade the kernel .

j1cs commented 7 years ago

You cant install this patch, because it work only on debian derivatives I used to have the same problem finally I installed kali linux and works like perfectly Kali linux it's 100% recommendable :grin:

JustDenP commented 7 years ago

Oh, this is very sad, because only in Manjaro I have no problem with screan tearing and everything else :'c

neurobin commented 7 years ago


Please install kernel headers (you may search google) before you try to install the driver. The driver should work on Manjaro as far as I am concerned (not sure about the bluetooth patch though).

j1cs commented 7 years ago

It's very difficult try to recompile the kernel on archlinux or derivates, I did try and I can't do it, it is a very tedious process.

I think de best way it's try kali linux, yes, I am persistent, because kali linux works very good instead manjaro linux, I mean that manjaro worked fine but I really wanted the bluetooth works

JustDenP commented 7 years ago

I successfully installed the kernel headers as here . pacman -S linux44-headers But the problem remains

JustDenP commented 7 years ago

this problem is solved , thanks :)

j1cs commented 7 years ago

Yes, now you have wifi but not bluetooth

SeanyMCP commented 7 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am using debian stretch (testing) with kernel 4.9.0-3-amd64. wifi works fine and bluetooth works fine with the bpatch.

I wanted to switch back to Manjaro but I'd like to know if I could use the bpatch by replacing the apt-get lines in it with the pacman's -S ? Would that work or am I taking risks ?

neurobin commented 7 years ago


if I could use the bpatch by replacing the apt-get lines in it with the pacman's -S

Do these commands work in Manjaro?:

service bluetooth stop #or
systemctl stop bluetooth.service
service bluetooth start #or
systemctl restart bluetooth.service

Are these compatible with pacman?:

apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)

Are the package names same?

SeanyMCP commented 7 years ago

I tried them out and the answer is no for both. I'm not qualified enough to adapt the bpatch to arch (I installed Antergos instead of Manjaro in the end) so I'll just stick to Wifi without bluetooth until somebody finds a patch for arch.

Jie317 commented 6 years ago


Just for information, anyone who runs into this problem might very likely be that the installed header is not correct. Reinstalling the header with the version number from "uname -r" can fix the problem.