neurobin / letsacme

A tiny script to issue and renew TLS/SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt
MIT License
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Problems with Python 2.7.12 #4

Open marianobianchi opened 7 years ago

marianobianchi commented 7 years ago

Hello, I was trying to use your script in my webfaction account. When I ran the command

python --no-chain --account-key account.key --csr domain.csr --acme-dir challenges > signed.crt

I got the error

ssl.CertificateError: hostname '' doesn't match either of '*', ''

I think it is an error with SNI. When I ran it using Python 3.3.6 it worked like a charm

neurobin commented 7 years ago

Are you using wildcard domain in CSR?

marianobianchi commented 7 years ago

No. I was trying to use it for my webfaction account. It is