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Apply Sequential Monte Carlo estimation alg to mouselight data #119

Open tathey1 opened 4 years ago

tathey1 commented 4 years ago

Here is a paper with an interesting approach to neuron reconstruction.

To what extent can it be used/is it effective on our data?

shreyasingh1 commented 4 years ago

I'm interested in exploring this method more, and if feasible, running it on the mouselight data. Their concept of using sequential Monte Carlo estimation down the tree structure of a neuron to develop probabilistically independent branch estimates, and then combining them into one full neuron tracing model, seems sound and plausible.

However, their method assumes each image stack has either one soma or no soma, which may not be true for our data. Additionally, the method requires accurate knowledge of where the soma is so it can set a starting point for the sequential Monte Carlo estimation. This may be something we need to apply soma detection code to or estimate manually for some time. This method has been applied to BigNeuron datasets -- we should note that BigNeuron does not currently contain photoelectron microscopy data, so this algorithm's compatibility with the Mouselight data type is not guaranteed.

bvarjavand commented 4 years ago

Our ground truth data is a list of coordinates tracing a neuron, with the first vertex always at the soma. You can visualize the data with neuron ids 2 and 7 loaded.

alishakodibagkar commented 3 years ago

I attempted to address this issue by building the Vaa3D plugin for PNR (Probabilistic Neuron Reconstructor) from the source code provided in the paper.

Below are the challenges I faced: