neurodata / jkmeans

an R package for jk-means
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Compilation error #7

Closed MrAE closed 8 years ago

MrAE commented 8 years ago

I get the following error when re-compiling the jkmeans package: @laplacianduan we can discuss in person.

Synapse:neurodata JLP$ R CMD INSTALL jkmeans
* installing to library ‘/Users/JLP/R_libs’
* installing *source* package ‘jkmeans’ ...
** libs
/opt/local/bin/g++-mp-6 -fopenmp  -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include -DNDEBUG  -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/freetype2 -I/opt/X11/include -I"/Users/JLP/R_libs/Rcpp/include" -I"/Users/JLP/R_libs/RcppArmadillo/include"  -O3 -fopenmp -fPIC  -g -O3  -std=c++11 -c jkmeans.cpp -o jkmeans.o
In file included from jkmeans.cpp:5:0:
mixture.hpp: In member function 'arma::uvec Mixture::clusteringMAP()':
mixture.hpp:283:33: error: 'index_max' is not a member of 'arm'
   uvec clusteringMAP() { return arma::index_max(zeta, 1); }
make: *** [jkmeans.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘jkmeans’
* removing ‘/Users/JLP/R_libs/jkmeans’
* restoring previous ‘/Users/JLP/R_libs/jkmeans’
MrAE commented 8 years ago

Fixed by updating RcppArmadillo