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problem with opening/reading atlases in label/Human (it is similar with other .nii.gz files) #23

Closed yasharz closed 4 years ago

yasharz commented 4 years ago

I tried fslview to open the files --> example error message ** ERROR (nifti_image_read): bad binary header read for file './neuroparc-master/atlases/Human/AAL2zourioMazoyer2002.nii.gz'

Failed to open file ./neuroparc-master/atlases/Human/AAL2zourioMazoyer2002

Part of FSL (build 4110) fslview (4.0.1)

Copyright(c) 2005, University of Oxford Dave Flitney

Usage: fslview [-m 3d|ortho|lightbox] [-l lutname] [-b low,hi] [ [-l lutname] [-b low,hi] ] ... fslview -m ortho,lightbox filtered_func_data thresh_zstat1 -t 0.5 thresh_zstat2 -l "Cool" -t 0.5

Optional arguments (You may optionally specify one or more of): -V,--verbose switch on diagnostic messages -h,--help display this message -m,--mode Initial viewer mode. Comma separated list of: 3d; single, ortho; lightbox

Per-image options

Usage: image [-l GreyScale] [-t 0.1] [-b 2.3,6] -l,--lut Lookup table name. As per GUI, one of: Greyscale; "Red-Yellow"; "Blue-Lightblue"; Red; Green; Blue; Yellow; Pink; Hot; Cool; Copper, etc. -b,--bricon Initial bricon range, e.g., 2.3,6 -t,--trans Initial transparency, e.g., 0.2

Also tried to open with register:

** ERROR (nifti_image_read): bad binary header read for file 'yeo-17-liberal_space-MNI152NLin6_res-2x2x2.nii.gz'

and then when I tried gunzip says the gzip: yeo-7-liberal_space-MNI152NLin6_res-1x1x1.nii.gz: not in gzip format for all the files

yasharz commented 4 years ago

Follow up: the issue happened because when I clone the repository or Download it as a zip file the files are corrupt (all of them 130 byte instead the 50-100 Kb)! but I can download them one by one and it works.