Open sampan501 opened 10 months ago
The general MVN approach maybe can be done as Jovo suggested (w/ some open questions):
X_i | Y ~ MVN, where for CoMIGHT, we generate two such instances that are either directly dependent or not.
Y = mixture of MVN Gaussians, so the MI terms is then: $I(X1, X2; Y) = H(X1, X2) - H(X1, X2 | Y) = H(X1 | X2) + H(X2) - H(X1 | X2, Y) + H(X2 | Y)$
where the non-trivial parts to currently compute are:
Maybe we generate a huge MVN first where we know the $\Sigma_{X1, X2}$ for the subset of variables we denote X1, X2, which is still MVN, and therefore we know H(X1, X2). Then, we use Y as the mixture of Gaussians w/ varying mixture probability?
Structuring the covariance in blocks as such and then using $Y \in [1, 2]$ to select the corresponding multivariate normal should allow us to:
Now I'm not 100% sure how to fit this in w/ the Marron/Wald