Open stripathy opened 9 years ago
it'd be good to collect a few more examples of this
another common example is to annotate a neuron type like "FS (n = 10)"
there's code for adressing a lot of this in
like this handy function
def parensResolver(inStr):
parensCheck = re.findall(u'\(.+\)', inStr)
insideParens = None
if len(parensCheck) > 0:
insideParens = parensCheck[0].strip('()')
newStr = re.sub(u'\(.+\)', '', inStr)
return newStr, insideParens
try this one too:
another good example for this:
For now: deal with single N per neuron type
2 cases to handle on the backend: 1) N in the header - annotate it as metadata and give it value 2) N in cell - annotate N, leave value blank, the backend has to parse the values in the table and attach them to the correct nedm.
Future: 1) Add N and Standard Error to the exp factor list 2) Annotate column/row with N or SE 3) Propagate N or SE value through row and column for each nedm 4) If N or SE share neuron_cm with an nedm - assign them to that nedm
We discussed making this a special experimental factor or metadata, but this needs to be considered carefully.