neuroevolution-ai / NeuroEvolution-CTRNN_new

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Fixes Seed inconsistency among workers #45

Closed pdeubel closed 3 years ago

pdeubel commented 3 years ago

Replaced random with np.random to generate random Integers. Oddly enough this fixes different results in the TestExperiment.test_run() test case, maybe random does not work well with parallel processing.

Note that I removed all accepted_results and inserted two new ones, which should be the correct ones:

accepted_results = [
    -103.4065390603272,  # standard NumPy
    -102.16727461334207  # NumPy + MKL

The first is for using standard NumPy and the other is NumPy with the Intel Math Kernel Library. Seems like that Intel MKL does some things that change the results.

I tested the values by creating three new conda environments with Python3.6, Python3.7 and Python3.8 respectively. I simply executed pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt for the setup and changed nothing else on the environments. Then I executed the test case and got the first value for every environment. Then I did pip uninstall numpy followed by a conda install numpy which installs NumPy with MKL extensions. After executing the test case I got the second value for each environment.

@bjuergens Could you test if you have the same value when you checkout this branch? What Python version are you using? Do you use Intel MKL?

bjuergens commented 3 years ago

kann reviewt/germergt werden?

pdeubel commented 3 years ago

Ne noch nicht -> habs in Draft umgewandelt

pdeubel commented 3 years ago

Bzw siehe

bjuergens commented 3 years ago

habs in Draft umgewandelt

cool. wusste garnicht , dass das geht

willst du hier noch etwas konkretes implementieren/ändern? Falls nein, würde ich das einfach schonmal reinmergen

pdeubel commented 3 years ago

Ich teste noch ein zwei Sachen ansonsten merge ich einfach und schreibe den Wert den der Action Runner ausgibt in den Test rein -> Dann läuft der immer durch hoffentlich