neurogears / vestibular-vr

Closed-loop VR setup for Rancz Lab
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Bonsai interface for NewScale manipulator #14

Closed RoboDoig closed 9 months ago

RoboDoig commented 1 year ago
RoboDoig commented 1 year ago

Added prototype interface in 639dd3a59e23e69dc0909369ca769b24a8ec168c

RoboDoig commented 1 year ago

Need to implement visualizer GUI for NewScale control (keyboard shortcuts for moving, zeroing current position, set target position, set speed, go to target position) and visualisation (current position)

RoboDoig commented 1 year ago

From Ede:

It would make a more compact package (an advantage with the limited space on the platform) to drive the stage directly via SPI or I2C from the H1 board. In principle it should be possible to do it through the mini-HDMI connector of the stage and provide power (6V!), bypassing the chunky brake out board. This is more like a low priority feature request, I just wanted to ask your view on it.

ederancz commented 1 year ago

Update: The workflow is urgent, the direct SPI/i2C connection to H1 is not at all.

We will use this as a separate workflow for electrode insertion. It needs

RoboDoig commented 9 months ago

Expanded interface and visualizer for the package merged into ae-dev 5e15cdf

The NewScale package now includes a custom visualizer for the manipulator operator that includes all the required functionality for NewScale control.

Note that I've moved local development to source/repos folder on the local machine.

I've also updated the NewScaleTest workflow to demonstrate the functionality of the new visualizer.

In future I'd like the operator to work either with the custom visualizer or using Bonsai commands.

RoboDoig commented 9 months ago

I'm closing this as complete as the main requirements are satisfied. Will move the issue about parallel Bonsai commands to a separate issue.