neurogears / vestibular-vr

Closed-loop VR setup for Rancz Lab
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synchronisation of bonsai H1 and H2 events with photometery system #56

Open EleonoraAmbrad opened 1 month ago

EleonoraAmbrad commented 1 month ago

we would like to implement synchronisation between the data acquired via H1 and H2 and a photometry setup when using the Main experiment workflow.*r9q6pp*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTc5NzE1ODA1MS4xNzE1Nzc1MzE0*_ga_2P56W6VQP2*MTcxNTc3NTMxMy4xLjEuMTcxNTc3NTMzMi4wLjAuMA..&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaBYzOFXJ-Fceqbl8VPrT6yq4bXvHe9BTilrouICISsTUCkpdJtkFxxoCX_MQAvD_BwE (link to setup)

at the moment, a digital output of the ONIX is used to send a continuous 5V pulse to the RWD input to signal visual stimulus onset in a different workflow, but this approach is not optimal.

additionally, synchronisation with Harp devices would be required to align calcium imaging data to pupil tracking cameras and flow sensor data. Help with this would be greatly appreciated once we set up clock sync on H1 and H2!