neurogenomics / CUT_n_TAG

Preprocessing pipeline for CUT&TAG data.
MIT License
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Can't run nf-core/atacseq test example #7

Closed bschilder closed 2 years ago

bschilder commented 3 years ago

Test still fails despite being able to run our own CUT&TAG data...

nextflow run nf-core/atacseq -r 1.2.1 -profile test,singularity

Same exact issue even when I specify the config and local singularity container:

nextflow run nf-core/atacseq -r 1.2.1 -profile test,singularity -with-singularity $HOME/atacseq_latest.sif -c hpc_config
``` N E X T F L O W ~ version 20.01.0 Launching `nf-core/atacseq` [ecstatic_khorana] - revision: 1b3a832db5 [1.2.1] ---------------------------------------------------- ,--./,-. ___ __ __ __ ___ /,-._.--~' |\ | |__ __ / ` / \ |__) |__ } { | \| | \__, \__/ | \ |___ \`-._,-`-, `._,._,' nf-core/atacseq v1.2.1 ---------------------------------------------------- Run Name : ecstatic_khorana Data Type : Paired-End Design File : Genome : Not supplied Fasta File : GTF File : Mitochondrial Contig : MT MACS2 Genome Size : 1.2E+7 Min Consensus Reps : 1 MACS2 Narrow Peaks : No MACS2 Broad Cutoff : 0.1 Trim R1 : 0 bp Trim R2 : 0 bp Trim 3' R1 : 0 bp Trim 3' R2 : 0 bp NextSeq Trim : 0 bp Fingerprint Bins : 100 Save Genome Index : No Max Resources : 6 GB memory, 2 cpus, 12h time per job Container : singularity - /rds/general/user/bms20/home/atacseq_latest.sif Output Dir : ./results Launch Dir : /rds/general/project/neurogenomics-lab/live/GitRepos/CUT_n_TAG Working Dir : /rds/general/user/bms20/ephemeral/tmp Script Dir : /rds/general/user/bms20/home/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/atacseq User : bms20 Config Profile : test,singularity Config Description : Minimal test dataset to check pipeline function ---------------------------------------------------- [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTPROFILE - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTPROFILE - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTPROFILE - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTFINGERPRINT - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTPROFILE - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTFINGERPRINT - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_MACS2 - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_MACS2_ANNOTATE - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_MACS2_QC - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_CONSENSUS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_CONSENSUS_ANNOTATE - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_CONSENSUS_COUNTS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_CONSENSUS_DESEQ2 - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_ATAQV - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_ATAQV_MKARV - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_MACS2 - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_MACS2_ANNOTATE - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_MACS2_QC - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_CONSENSUS - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_CONSENSUS_ANNOTATE - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_CONSENSUS_COUNTS - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_CONSENSUS_DESEQ2 - [- ] process > IGV - [- ] process > get_software_versions [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MULTIQC - [- ] process > output_documentation [ 0%] 0 of 1 -[nf-core/atacseq] Pipeline completed with errors- Error executing process > 'CHECK_DESIGN (design.csv)' Caused by: Failed to submit process to grid scheduler for execution Command executed: qsub -N nf-CHECK_DESIGN Command exit status: 32 Command output: qsub: [ncpus] must be in the -lselect Work dir: /rds/general/user/bms20/ephemeral/tmp/9e/7c81474eb7833b3a99f3a7a8d97baf Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option `-resume` to the run command line ```
NathanSkene commented 3 years ago

Looks like a config issue, right? The "qsub: [ncpus] must be in the -lselect"

I guess it's not stating how many CPUs in the the command... qsub should be structured like:

qsub -X -I -l select=1:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36 -l walltime=01:00:00 -q regular -A project_code

On Thu, 21 Jan 2021 at 10:47, Brian M. Schilder wrote:

This email from originates from outside Imperial. Do not click on links and attachments unless you recognise the sender. If you trust the sender, add them to your safe senders list to disable email stamping for this address.

Test still fails despite being able to run our own CUT&TAG data...

nextflow run nf-core/atacseq -r 1.2.1 -profile test,singularity

Same exact issue even when I specify the config and local singularity container:

nextflow run nf-core/atacseq -r 1.2.1 -profile test,singularity -with-singularity $HOME/atacseq_latest.sif -c hpc_config

N E X T F L O W ~ version 20.01.0 Launching nf-core/atacseq [ecstatic_khorana] - revision: 1b3a832db5 [1.2.1]

___     __   __   __   ___     /,-._.--~'

|\ | | / / \ |) | } { | | | _, _/ | \ |__ -.,--, .,.,' nf-core/atacseq v1.2.1 Run Name : ecstatic_khorana Data Type : Paired-End Design File : Genome : Not supplied Fasta File : GTF File : Mitochondrial Contig : MT MACS2 Genome Size : 1.2E+7 Min Consensus Reps : 1 MACS2 Narrow Peaks : No MACS2 Broad Cutoff : 0.1 Trim R1 : 0 bp Trim R2 : 0 bp Trim 3' R1 : 0 bp Trim 3' R2 : 0 bp NextSeq Trim : 0 bp Fingerprint Bins : 100 Save Genome Index : No Max Resources : 6 GB memory, 2 cpus, 12h time per job Container : singularity - /rds/general/user/bms20/home/atacseq_latest.sif Output Dir : ./results Launch Dir : /rds/general/project/neurogenomics-lab/live/GitRepos/CUT_n_TAG Working Dir : /rds/general/user/bms20/ephemeral/tmp Script Dir : /rds/general/user/bms20/home/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/atacseq User : bms20 Config Profile : test,singularity Config Description : Minimal test dataset to check pipeline function

[9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTPROFILE - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTPROFILE - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTPROFILE - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTFINGERPRINT - [9e/7c8147] process > CHECK_DESIGN [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > BWA_INDEX [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_GENE_BED [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MAKE_TSS_BED - [- ] process > MAKE_GENOME_FILTER [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > FASTQC - [- ] process > TRIMGALORE - [- ] process > BWA_MEM - [- ] process > SORT_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_FILTER - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BAM_REMOVE_ORPHAN - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PRESEQ - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PICARD_METRICS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTPROFILE - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_PLOTFINGERPRINT - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_MACS2 - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_MACS2_ANNOTATE - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_MACS2_QC - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_CONSENSUS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_CONSENSUS_ANNOTATE - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_CONSENSUS_COUNTS - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_CONSENSUS_DESEQ2 - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_ATAQV - [- ] process > MERGED_LIB_ATAQV_MKARV - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_BAM - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_BIGWIG - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_MACS2 - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_MACS2_ANNOTATE - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_MACS2_QC - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_CONSENSUS - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_CONSENSUS_ANNOTATE - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_CONSENSUS_COUNTS - [- ] process > MERGED_REP_CONSENSUS_DESEQ2 - [- ] process > IGV - [- ] process > get_software_versions [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > MULTIQC - [- ] process > output_documentation [ 0%] 0 of 1 -[nf-core/atacseq] Pipeline completed with errors- Error executing process > 'CHECK_DESIGN (design.csv)'

Caused by: Failed to submit process to grid scheduler for execution

Command executed:


Command exit status: 32

Command output: qsub: [ncpus] must be in the -lselect

Work dir: /rds/general/user/bms20/ephemeral/tmp/9e/7c81474eb7833b3a99f3a7a8d97baf

Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option -resume to the run command line```

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bschilder commented 3 years ago

That would appear to be the case, but I'm able to run this nf-core/atacseq pipeline fine with our CUT&TAG data. Here' the config I'm currently using (modified from Combiz's).

-bash-4.2$ cat ~/.nextflow/config

//Profile config names for nf-core/configs

params {
  // Config Params
  config_profile_description = 'Imperial College London - DRI - HPC Profile -- provided by nf-core/configs.'
  config_profile_contact = 'Combiz Khozoie ('
  config_profile_url = ''

  // Resources
  max_memory = 640.GB
  max_cpus = 32
  max_time = 168.h

  // Analysis Resource Params
  ctd_folder = "/rds/general/user/$USER/projects/ukdrmultiomicsproject/live/Analyses/scFlowResources/refs/ctd"
  ensembl_mappings = "/rds/general/user/$USER/projects/ukdrmultiomicsproject/live/Analyses/scFlowResources/src/ensembl-ids/ensembl_mappings.tsv"


executor {
    $pbspro {
        queueSize = 50

    $local {
          cpus = 2
        queueSize = 1
        memory = '32 GB'

singularity {
  enabled = true
  autoMounts = true
  cacheDir = "/rds/general/user/$USER/projects/neurogenomics-lab/live/.singularity-cache"
  runOptions = "-B /rds/,/rdsgpfs/,/rds/general/user/$USER/ephemeral/tmp/:/tmp,/rds/general/user/$USER/ephemeral/tmp/:/var/tmp"


process {
  // NOTE: queue lines are commented out bc you first need to request access to these special queues from RCS.
  // beforeScript = 'module load singularity'
  executor = 'pbspro'
  queue = 'pqmedbio-tput'

  //queue = 'med-bio' !! this is an alias and shouldn't be used

  withLabel:process_large {
    queue = 'pqmedbio-large'
  //withLabel:process_high {
  //  cpus = { check_max( 32 * task.attempt, 'cpus' ) }
  //  memory = { check_max( 62.GB * task.attempt, 'memory' ) }
  //  time = { check_max( 24.h * task.attempt, 'time' ) }


workDir = "/rds/general/user/$USER/ephemeral/tmp"
NathanSkene commented 3 years ago

I'd suggest asking in the nf-core #help channel

On Thu, 21 Jan 2021 at 11:40, Brian M. Schilder wrote:

This email from originates from outside Imperial. Do not click on links and attachments unless you recognise the sender. If you trust the sender, add them to your safe senders list to disable email stamping for this address.

That would appear to be the case, but I'm able to run this nf-core/atacseq pipeline fine with our CUT&TAG data. Here' the config I'm currently using (modified from Combiz's).

-bash-4.2$ cat ~/.nextflow/config

//Profile config names for nf-core/configs

params { // Config Params config_profile_description = 'Imperial College London - DRI - HPC Profile -- provided by nf-core/configs.' config_profile_contact = 'Combiz Khozoie (' config_profile_url = ''

// Resources max_memory = 640.GB max_cpus = 32 max_time = 168.h

// Analysis Resource Params ctd_folder = "/rds/general/user/$USER/projects/ukdrmultiomicsproject/live/Analyses/scFlowResources/refs/ctd" ensembl_mappings = "/rds/general/user/$USER/projects/ukdrmultiomicsproject/live/Analyses/scFlowResources/src/ensembl-ids/ensembl_mappings.tsv"


executor { $pbspro { queueSize = 50 }

$local {
      cpus = 2
    queueSize = 1
    memory = '32 GB'


singularity { enabled = true autoMounts = true cacheDir = "/rds/general/user/$USER/projects/neurogenomics-lab/live/.singularity-cache" runOptions = "-B /rds/,/rdsgpfs/,/rds/general/user/$USER/ephemeral/tmp/:/tmp,/rds/general/user/$USER/ephemeral/tmp/:/var/tmp"


process { // NOTE: queue lines are commented out bc you first need to request access to these special queues from RCS. // beforeScript = 'module load singularity' executor = 'pbspro' queue = 'pqmedbio-tput'

//queue = 'med-bio' !! this is an alias and shouldn't be used

withLabel:process_large { queue = 'pqmedbio-large' } //withLabel:process_high { // cpus = { check_max( 32 task.attempt, 'cpus' ) } // memory = { check_max( 62.GB task.attempt, 'memory' ) } // time = { check_max( 24.h * task.attempt, 'time' ) } //}


workDir = "/rds/general/user/$USER/ephemeral/tmp"

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bschilder commented 3 years ago

Now posted here: