Closed bschilder closed 2 years ago
A quick (but inefficient) fix would be running a loop within the EpiCompare::EpiCompare
data("hg38_blacklist") # example blacklist
out_list <- lapply(names(ref_list), function(nm){
message("\n","======>> ",nm," <<======")
save_dir <- here::here("reports",nm)
dir.create(save_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
#### vvv replace this bit with the actual internal code within `EpiCompare::EpiCompare`
EpiCompare::EpiCompare(peakfiles = peakfiles,
picard_files = picardfiles,
blacklist = hg38_blacklist,
genome_build = list(peakfiles="hg38",
genome_build_output = "hg38",
reference = ref_list[nm],
upset_plot = TRUE,
stat_plot = TRUE,
chromHMM_plot = TRUE,
chromHMM_annotation = "K562",
chipseeker_plot = TRUE,
enrichment_plot = TRUE,
tss_plot = TRUE,
save_output = TRUE,
output_dir = save_dir)
Note, I'm deliberately not using parallelization at this level. That's because some of the internal steps are already parallelized, and parallelizing at multiple levels at once (without very careful and more complex coding) can cause errors because the same core is being asked to do multiple things at once (causing a crash).
I just implemented the option where EpiCompare outputs separate report for each reference and documented this in the manual. Not the most efficient way of doing it so maybe we should consider changing it later at some point
Awesome, thanks!
I see for some functions you have this [[1]], which was the source of the error i posted earlier. #59
I added a check for this in
, but there's still other functions where this may come up.Can you either:
, letting users know that only 1 reference can be used for all (or only certain?) steps.