neurogenomics / Kayaking

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Look into public sources of info about slipways and beaches #4

Closed NathanSkene closed 7 months ago

NathanSkene commented 8 months ago

councils tend to provide lists ( but these may not come with GPS coordinates or relevant info about tides. Tide info may need to be crowdsourced from users. GPS info may be obtainable through sources such as

jamielewisturner commented 7 months ago

You can get all the slipways from open street map

jamielewisturner commented 7 months ago

If you call the API ( with this as your data bbox = "50.3920,-1.6110,50.8540,-0.9950" query = """ node [leisure = slipway] ({{bbox}}); out; """.format(bbox=bbox) It will provide all GPS coordinate of slipways around the isle of weight. If you want additional info, you will probably need to look at the parent nodes as leisure=slipway is the leaf. In the wiki link in the previous comment you can see how the nodes are structured

elsapolo commented 7 months ago

Scraping became the most annoying thing ever because I kept getting blocked by the website

jamielewisturner commented 7 months ago

Idea for file layout Slipway_getter Get_slipways Calls the api and gets list of slipways

Slipway_package Store cache of slipways Get_slipways - uses slipway getter if slipways not already got Neartest_slipway(lng, lat) - calls slipway_package.get_slipways