Delete “NeuroHub will function as the overarching data and computational platform for the Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (HBHL) program by supporting researchers in their work and collaborations.”
Any way to make Open Portal button larger?
Delete “NeuroHub will serve as the place for HBHL researchers (and eventually external researchers) to place their own data, get access to a bevy of other research data managed, and share data with others in a completely provenanced platform. NeuroHub will provide computational facilities for both interactive, small-scale computations and large, managed computational workflows, with all of the derived results being imported back into NeuroHub for provenance, further research, and sharing with collaborators and in publication.”
ONCE BETA COMPLETE Change text to: “To request access to NeuroHub, follow the “Open Portal” button above. Once on the NeuroHub Portal page, click “Request an Account” in the bottom-right to request access. The NeuroHub team will review your request as soon as possible.”