neuroinformatics-unit / NeuroBlueprint

Lightweight data specification for systems neuroscience, inspired by BIDS.
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Combine to single page #15

Closed JoeZiminski closed 1 year ago

JoeZiminski commented 1 year ago

combine and into a single page . make some small changes to the file_naming section.

niksirbi commented 1 year ago

Looks good to me. One comment: should we rename the SWC-BIDS specification page to simply Specification? It avoids duplication in the website header, and it should be implied. image

JoeZiminski commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot Niko these all look good and have updated. About sub-001 / ses-001 in the filename, I do remember discussing this but havn't seemed to put anything in my notes. I think you are right and we decided not to enfroce it - it's always a concern that the lack of sub/ses identifier makes it less easy to track bugs but I have a vague memory that we decided add it as a suggestion (which I could add to the specification now) but not mandate it. Does that sounds familiar? (I may have just accidently made it up 😆).

niksirbi commented 1 year ago

That does sound familiar, that's also what I remember. Nevertheless, we should consider this for future versions of the SWC-BIDS specification, and we should get the scientists/users' opinion on that.

JoeZiminski commented 1 year ago

Thanks all, I changes the file conventions section to only made recommendations