neuroinformatics-unit / NeuroBlueprint

Lightweight data specification for systems neuroscience, inspired by BIDS.
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Add zulip links to the readme and index. #39

Closed JoeZiminski closed 8 months ago

JoeZiminski commented 9 months ago

This PR adds links to the Zulip chat to the README and index page. Please feel free to reword.

We also have the discussions board for feedback, shall we pick one over the other? I am not very familiar with discussions, does it add anything over Zulip? Zulip seems nice as it more informal / chatty. But maybe discussions is a better record of discussions (or, we can chat on Zulip and have formal discussions on issues). I guess this question is relevant for feedback across @neuroinformatics-unit/neuroinformatics-team

niksirbi commented 9 months ago

I would definitely keep only one of the two. Having two places to congregate will split the community and be confusing. Let's go all in on Zulip. I think discussions are not very Google-searchable.

adamltyson commented 9 months ago

TBH I forgot about discussions. I like zulip as it can be both:

adamltyson commented 9 months ago

Interested to see what others think in general about this across NIU projects. Scrap discussions?

alessandrofelder commented 9 months ago

I find the napari zulip hard to parse/wrap my head around because I feel there's too many things going on at the same time (but maybe also that specific zulip instance is toooo big??? and I haven't made a concerted effort to customise to my needs...). I'd be more than happy to get rid of Discussions though, and we should definitely have this in only one place?

adamltyson commented 9 months ago

I'm not sure zulip is my favourite solution, but it's the only one I found that meets all our requirements. They're also kind enough to give us free cloud hosting.

niksirbi commented 9 months ago

On Zulip, this seems like an interesting read:

JoeZiminski commented 9 months ago

I removed the discussions link from the text (not sure how to actually delete the discussions board). I reworded so please edit as necessary.

JoeZiminski commented 9 months ago

Also can anyone join that chat with the link, I see there is an option also to generate a temporary invite link but I guess this is only necessary if the room is private?

adamltyson commented 9 months ago

Yeah, I think we leave it open, and ideally make the main channels for each tool public (without sign in).