neuronalmotion / qtrpi

An easy-to-use environment to cross-compile Qt applications for Raspberry Pi from your desktop.
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Support qtvirtualkeyboard module #74

Open fireghostea opened 6 years ago

fireghostea commented 6 years ago

i add module name in qt-modules.txt and sucessfully install that and now can run example code on my rpi but that is support only English for supporting other language i should use "qmake-rpi" with this argument "CONFIG+=lang-all" ( base on answer in this link link )how do this? should i change ./ code?

GuillaumeLazar commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. It's a good news that the qtvirtualkeyboard module works.

Currently all Qt modules from qt-modules.txt are built in the same way without any arguments. Check the file

  1. The for loop (end of the file) iterates on all Qt modules (on the text file) and calls the function build_qtbase if the module is qtbase otherwise it calls build_module
  2. The function build_module uses the function qmake_cmd (defined in
  3. The function qmake_cmd performs the "real" qmake:
    $ROOT/raspi/qt5/bin/qmake -r |& tee $ROOT/logs/$LOG_FILE.log

Based on your link, I guess you want to do something like this only for the "qtvirtualkeyboard" module:

$ROOT/raspi/qt5/bin/qmake "CONFIG+=lang-all" -r |& tee $ROOT/logs/$LOG_FILE.log

So I guess you can update qtrpi in multiple ways to achieve this. For example you can check if the module name is "qtvirtualkeyboard" in the file and do your specifc qmake command with the arguments.

If you are proud of your enhancement, you can create a Pull Request, after a review time we will merge it on the develop branch.