neuronsimulator / nrn

NEURON Simulator
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Create Release Notes for 8.0 releases #1211

Closed pramodk closed 3 years ago

pramodk commented 3 years ago

For major release 8.0 release, we need to create detailed release notes similar to below format Once done here, we can update #1221

Release Date : 30-04-2021

What's New

Breaking Changes


Bug Fixes

For the complete list of bug fixes, see the list on the GitHub here.

Improvements / Other Changes

Upgrade Steps

Existing models should work without any changes. In order to upgrade NEURON version you can:

See Installation section under In the very rare case that numerical differences exist, check selection of legacy vs modern units.


See the list of contributors on respective GitHub projects:

Feedback / Help

pramodk commented 3 years ago

@nrnhines @ramcdougal @alexsavulescu @adamjhn : we can start populating this ticket directly for release notes? we can directly edit the above comment if it's convenient. For the bug fixes we can get list from commit history in but we need to write highlights / Breaking Changes / Deprecations aspects explicitly.

nrnhines commented 3 years ago

Useful issue as I don't fully know the answers to any of the questions off the top of my head:)

pramodk commented 3 years ago

@nrnhines : I think based on the commits being cherry picked in, we should be able to list down the changes. I will start updating few tomorrow.

alexsavulescu commented 3 years ago

Actually we need to list all changes from 7.8.2, since 8.0a is a pre-release. once we merge #1171 I will provide a list here.

alexsavulescu commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the big list, but this is the best place to leverage GitHub commits via keywords. So wrt 7.8.2 and 8.0-cherries :

git log --pretty=format:"%h , %ar : %s" 7.8.2..8.0-cherries
nrnhines commented 3 years ago

Very well done!

Dynamic selection of legacy vs modern units using HOC/Python API

Dynamic selection of legacy vs modern units using HOC/Python API (default modern) (or does that make the line too long?)

Existing models should work fine due backward compatibility

Existing models should work. In the very rare case that numerical differences exist, check ... Is a pointer to the document about how to select legacy units useful here? It is always a good idea to start over from scratch with nrnivmodl. Is dictionary order in later Python3 relevant to mention?

pramodk commented 3 years ago

Thank you Michael! I incorporated comments.

I didn't mention python3 dictionary aspects because we haven't changed anything default.