$ /usr/local/bin/bids-validator .; echo $?
1: [WARN] The Authors field of dataset_description.json should contain an array of fields - with one author per field. This was triggered based on the presence of only one author field. Please ignore if all contributors are already properly listed. (code: 102 - TOO_FEW_AUTHORS)
Please visit https://neurostars.org/search?q=TOO_FEW_AUTHORS for existing conversations about this issue.
Summary: Available Tasks: Available Modalities:
1404 Files, 9.75GB T1w
350 - Subjects T2w
1 - Session
If you have any questions, please post on https://neurostars.org/tags/bids.
This is both wrong and it annoys bids-validator. Can we write "UK Biobank" in there? Maybe a URL? A DOI? We can add our own names on the end too, since we're definitely part of the provenance of this dataset now that we're bidsifying it.
This is because our dataset says
This is both wrong and it annoys
. Can we write "UK Biobank" in there? Maybe a URL? A DOI? We can add our own names on the end too, since we're definitely part of the provenance of this dataset now that we're bidsifying it.