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`git-annex` leaves cruft remotes around #71

Open kousu opened 3 years ago

kousu commented 3 years ago

git-annex is 3 components afaict: a partial-download system, a bunch of plugins for using different kinds of URLs, and a content-tracking system on top of the two. I think the content-tracking system is a source of a lot of grief for us (e.g. #67). Another source of grief is that datasets implicitly record their paths whenever they are installed anywhere even if only temporarily. And then if they are ever synced back, they will infect the root dataset even without going through a pull request.

For example:

$ git annex whereis sub-ucdavis06/
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T1w.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T2star.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_T2w.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_acq-MToff_MTS.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/anat/sub-ucdavis06_acq-MTon_MTS.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject
whereis sub-ucdavis06/dwi/sub-ucdavis06_dwi.nii.gz (1 copy) 
    56bbd6c5-a147-4940-bf73-212f50841743 -- alex@NeuroPoly-MacBook-Pro.local:~/data/data-multi-subject

I will never be able to connect to Alex's MacBook-Pro. This is a useless piece of information. And keeping it around makes handling merges harder and makes parsing through data harder.

You can see this in other published datasets too. For example, anything on openneuro:

[kousu@requiem spine-generic]$ git clone
Cloning into 'ds003017'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4706, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4706/4706), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3054/3054), done.
remote: Total 4706 (delta 618), reused 4675 (delta 587), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (4706/4706), 2.18 MiB | 2.56 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (618/618), done.
[kousu@requiem spine-generic]$ cd ds003017/
[kousu@requiem ds003017]$ git annex init
init  (scanning for unlocked files...)

  Remote origin not usable by git-annex; setting annex-ignore download failed: Not Found
(Auto enabling special remote s3-PUBLIC...)
(recording state in git...)
[kousu@requiem ds003017]$ git annex whereis 
whereis code/ (2 copies) 
    4b5d5381-6f81-4aac-85b3-1f1e73bf4f34 -- root@openneuro-prod-dataset-worker-2:/datasets/ds003017
    6ae62754-b62b-4285-bc0c-19e1e4445dbd -- [s3-PUBLIC]

whereis code/ (3 copies) 
    4b5d5381-6f81-4aac-85b3-1f1e73bf4f34 -- root@openneuro-prod-dataset-worker-2:/datasets/ds003017
    6ae62754-b62b-4285-bc0c-19e1e4445dbd -- [s3-PUBLIC]
    e38871b9-5bdf-4ab8-917b-7240302b9267 -- s3-PRIVATE

whereis code/ (3 copies) 
    4b5d5381-6f81-4aac-85b3-1f1e73bf4f34 -- root@openneuro-prod-dataset-worker-2:/datasets/ds003017
    6ae62754-b62b-4285-bc0c-19e1e4445dbd -- [s3-PUBLIC]
    e38871b9-5bdf-4ab8-917b-7240302b9267 -- s3-PRIVATE

whereis sub-sid000005/anat/sub-sid000005_acq-MPRAGE_T1w.nii.gz (3 copies) 
    4b5d5381-6f81-4aac-85b3-1f1e73bf4f34 -- root@openneuro-prod-dataset-worker-2:/datasets/ds003017
    6ae62754-b62b-4285-bc0c-19e1e4445dbd -- [s3-PUBLIC]
    e38871b9-5bdf-4ab8-917b-7240302b9267 -- s3-PRIVATE


That openneuro-prod-dataset-worker-2 is an ephemeral built bot; no one except openneuro will ever be able to access it, and it should not be published, yet it is.

I've been recommending

git annex dead here

to work around this. The only copies that shouldn't have this are the ones on or the ones on amazon and those get set automatically. Every working copy should have this, IMO.

git-annex was designed mainly as a personal Dropbox-like system, to corral many disks and cloud accounts into one big meta filesystem, whereas we're using it like we use the rest of git, with collaboration and forking, and these two models don't mesh well.

kousu commented 2 years ago

@mguaypaq proposed today that these cruft remotes aren't just messy, they're a re-identification risk: because git-annex adds a comment to each remote with their user@hostname, and a timestamp, it might be possible to retrace who touched each subject and figure out who they'd scanned.