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Automate detection of spinal cord compression #2

Open valosekj opened 1 year ago

valosekj commented 1 year ago


Spinal cord compression is highly prevalent in the elderly, and its severity is considered in clinical decision-making. Currently, the evaluation of the compression is done manually by radiologists. Such manual evaluation is time-consuming and introduces inter-rater and inter-trials variability.

Recently, we showed that the logistic model combining morphometric metrics such as cross-sectional area (CSA), solidity, compressive ratio (CR), and torsion computed from T2*-w axial image could predict spinal cord compression automatically. For details, see the paper.


It would be great to automate the process of compression detection fully. Ideally to be run by a single command. This would include the following:

I would be glad for any suggestions or ideas.

valosekj commented 1 year ago

I implemented the first draft; see here

Steps to run:

  1. Download the attached zip archive containing T2*-w image, SC seg, and manually created disc labels for a DCM patient with compression at C5/6 disc.

  2. Run the following code:

cd ${SCT_DIR}
git pull
git checkout jv/add_compression_detection
source ${SCT_DIR}/python/etc/profile.d/
conda activate venv_sct

cd <downloaded_data>
python ${SCT_DIR}/spinalcordtoolbox/scripts/ -s t2s_seg.nii.gz -discfile labels.nii.gz
# -s - segmentation
# -discfile - disc labels


$ python ${SCT_DIR}/spinalcordtoolbox/scripts/ -s t2s_seg.nii.gz -discfile labels.nii.gz

Spinal Cord Toolbox (git-jv/add_compression_detection-d89f8a3de5253cdca5c5041a467422aa8214fa24)

sct_detect_compression -s t2s_seg.nii.gz -discfile labels.nii.gz

Compute shape analysis: 100%|#################| 42/42 [00:00<00:00, 85.02iter/s]
Compression probability for disc 4 (corresponding to slice 32) is 0.226.
Compression probability for disc 5 (corresponding to slice 27) is 0.014.
Compression probability for disc 6 (corresponding to slice 22) is 0.984.
Compression probability for disc 7 (corresponding to slice 16) is 0.257.

Compression(s) was detected at:
    disc 6 (corresponding to slice 22). CSA = 54.91 mm2. CR = 43.22.

A few notes for a discussion:


valosekj commented 1 year ago

Few comments from Julien

valosekj commented 1 year ago

In progress within the dcm-metric-normalization project. UPDATE: detect-compression project

Relevant discussions: