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NeuroPoly's lab manual
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Document neurogitea #117

Open kousu opened 6 months ago

kousu commented 6 months ago needs work since replaced gitolite with gitea.

Some of that is still useful and valid, like the parts about generating an ssh key, but most should go.

The part about making a new repo should be replaced by a pointer to with this screenshot:


it probably needs other work too

kousu commented 6 months ago

Between @mguaypaq, @joshuacwnewton and @namgo who is up for this?

joshuacwnewton commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure if I'm the best person to update the docs, given that I'm working from Ontario and thus only have VPN access (and at the moment, there seem to be issues with connecting to the web UI via VPN). :sweat:

mguaypaq commented 6 months ago

I guess I'm the most likely candidate, since I deal with most often, and I have on-campus access.

jcohenadad commented 4 months ago

related to

mguaypaq commented 4 months ago

I did a first pass in #124.

nullnik-0 commented 3 months ago

Looks like upstream has finally opened port 80 for us, so accessing the web gui is now possible without the port-forwarding solution! We should probably update our docs to reflect this.

kousu commented 3 months ago

omg port 80!!! Did you get port 443 too?

I never thought it would happen. That ticket outlasted me.

With port 80 and 443 open you can switch to using letsencrypt and also get rid of the cert warning!

I hope it treats you well!!

mguaypaq commented 3 months ago

I'm not sure we can use letsencrypt, I think ports 80 and 443 are only unblocked from wifi and the VPN at the moment.

kousu commented 3 months ago
