A student created a private GH repos under neuropoly's organization, with a size too large that it triggered git-lfs storage (and hence immediate cost for the lab)
Create a section 'GitHub' in the onboarding, right after 'Google drive'
In this section, explain that:
Neuropoly has a github organization (point to it)
the purpose of this organization is to host repos that are related to neuropoly's projects. Eg: if you publish a paper, you could put the code+data there and link to it in your paper.
the philosophy of neuropoly's lab is to do open science, which means that repos should be public. There are some exception: confidential data/credentials, highly-top-secret scientific research, etc.
IMPORTANT: if you decide to make your repos private, please make sure to not go above the total size and BW limits [LINK HERE TO GIT-LFS PRICES].
Please, always ask your supervisor before creating a repos.
A student created a private GH repos under neuropoly's organization, with a size too large that it triggered git-lfs storage (and hence immediate cost for the lab)